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Dawon's POV

"My soulmate," Jimin whispered into my ear as he drenched my shoulder with his tears.

My heart was racing. Life seemed complete, now that he knew. Life seemed vibrant. Life seemed exhilarating.

I pulled Jimin into my room and closed the door. Even as I did this, he refused to let go of my body. He just kept hold of me for a few minutes until he composed himself.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked in my ear while giving me a tight squeeze.

"I just didn't know... didn't know if you'd be happy with the news..." I mumbled, feeling quite stupid with my answer. His reaction today has shown me that he was in fact very happy with the news, "We didn't even know each other when I turned eighteen. I spoke to you for the first time ever the night if my birthday, so of course I thought you'd be upset about the news. A lot has happened between then and now."

"Oh right..." He trailed off, "But still, you could have told me when I spoke to you in the dance studio a month or so ago."

Oh. That conversation. About how I was different to all the other girls he'd slept with.

"Honestly," I pushed him off of me and folded my arms across my chest, "I didn't want to tell you because after you'd had sex with me, you went and had sex with a load of other girls. So, you could say I was slightly hurt and I thought you'd only used me as a rebound from Seulgi..."

I looked up at him but his face was already laced in guilt, "I'm sorry I made you feel that way," He paused, "I guess I deserved the punishment of you not telling me then."

I giggled slightly at him and went to give him a hug, "I'm sorry as well."

"About what?" He questioned, cocking is head to the side in confusion.

"About saying I was going to Austrailia when I wasn't," I said blushing in embarrassment, "I don't even know why I said that in the first place. I think I was just being petty because you weren't spending time with your friends and instead spending time with different girls."

"I guess I deserved that as well," He laughed, "I realised a lot while you weren't in school though."

I pulled him to sit on the bed with me as I said, "Like what?"

"Like, once you left, I noticed that something was missing in my every day life. And I couldn't understand what that was. My brain got so confused by it, I stopped sleeping with random girls or even flirting with them," Jimin explained and I sighed in relief at his words, "My mum noticed that I was acting different because I would always go to the studio until late to tire myself out. I did that so I wouldn't need to think about the weird feeling I had while I was left with my thoughts, before I slept. She said it was because I had found my soulmate and it was just my body's way of telling me. She also said that I could probably figure out who that person was for me because, they seemed like the perfect human being and nobody else could compare to them," He paused and looked intensely into my eyes, "When she told me that, you were the person who came to my head first. To me you were the only person who could fit that description."

My mouth dropped open. I was speechless, he was so sweet. I had no idea he felt like this.

"I... I...," I couldn't express what I wanted to say. Instead Jimin caught my mouth in his.

His mouth melded with mine as we moved in sync. My arms snaked around his neck and I pulled him closer. Tears were rolling down from my eyes because of the amount of emotions I was faced with in my mind at that time.

His hands latched only my waist as he got rid of any remaining space between us and deepened the kiss.

His tongue wiped against my lower lip in permission and I gladly opened my mouth to him, allowing him to completely explore.

Our make out session came to an end when we had to take a breath. My chest rose and fell as my body tried to regain the oxygen it had lost while kissing Jimin.

The said boy was doing the same and once we had collected ourselves he placed a gentle peck on my forehead and whispered, "I love you, Min Dawon."

I froze at his words for only a moment before chuckling lightly and giving him a small kiss on the lips, "I love you too, Park Jimin. Even though you were an arrogant and sexist pig to me once, I love you. And I'll keep loving you until I leave this earth."

I kissed him again and again as he processed what I had just told him.

I could tell when he came back to his senses because, in a split second he had placed me onto my mattress and had himself hovering above me. He was still breathing heavily but he had the biggest smile on his face, making his eyes disappear.

"You mean it?" He asked as he kissed me once.

"Yes," I said with a smile.

I felt his kissed go from my mouth to my jaw and down the side of my neck. Once he had reached the spot where my breath hitched, He kept nipping and sucking until a noticeable hickey appeared on the base of my neck.

I moaned out in longing and pleasure as he kept kissing and sucking on my chest. My shirt had been discarded ages ago, leaving me with a blank canvas for Jimin to cover with purple and red marks.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked to nobody in particular as he connected our lips once more.

That night I experienced the best things in the world. It was completely different to any other time we'd done it. Perhaps because we both knew of our connection and perhaps because we had confessed to each other. But it was an unforgettable evening.


A/N: sort of a soppy chapter but at the same time not. Soz if you were expecting more cuddle time but I promise that'll come in the next chapter!


Cerys :))

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