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We both walked into a small but cozy looking café after a five minute walk from the dance studio.

The walls were pastel yellow and all the furniture were white. The only other colours came from the assortment of cakes in the display; which all looked so delicious that my mouth actually started to water a little.

"So what do you want?" Jimin asked me as he nudged my side lightly.

"I'll have a white chocolate milkshake and a carrot cake," I smiled over at him.

"That's a great choice. This place makes the best carrot cake I've ever tried!" He beamed, his eyes turning to crescents.

He then went to the counter to order our food and motioned for me to find a place to sit.

I headed to the corner of the café and found a nice table next to a window that looked out at the park outside.

Jimin came to the table a few minutes later with two carrot cake in his hands and said, "They're bringing our drinks over when they're ready."

I nodded at him, then looked outside again. The view was quite lovely, I had to admit.

"When did you find this place? It's so nice," I asked Jimin, pointing subtly to the park outside.

"My friend owns it," He put simply, "He's currently in university and this is how he pays for most of his things."

"Wow," Was all I could say.

"And as you can see," He motioned to the other people in the café, "This place is quite popular."

Again, I nodded in response.

I dug into my cake and I swear, I nearly moaned after trying it. It was the best cake I had ever tried. Jimin wasn't lying when he said this place made the best carrot cake.

"You like it?" He questioned after seeing me swallow the food.

"Love it," I answered dug in for another piece.

"More than me?" He teased, playfulness laced in his voice.

I looked up at him, swallowed my food and said in all seriousness, "Definitely."

"I don't know if I should feel offended or not," He exclaimed, grabbing his chest, "But it's Jin's cooking, so I understand."

"Could you give me Jin's number so he can make these for me all the time please?" I asked, looking up at him hopefully. I could tell he thought I was joking, but when it came to food, I was never joking, "I'm serious Jimin."

"God damn," He laughed, pushing his hair backwards, "You like his cooking that bad?"

I nodded in response while stuffing the rest of the cake in my mouth.

"I'm always hungry," I said simple with a shrug.

"You know I could always satisfy your hunger," Jimin smirked.

At first I didn't realise the hidden meaning to his words, so I said, "You can cook?"

He had to resist the urge to slap his forehead at my words, "No," He said again slowly, "But I could feed you in other ways."

This time I caught on to what he was trying to say. The tips of my ears burned in embarrassment and I avoided looking at the boy in front of me.

"Okay," That was all I could say. I wasn't used to people talking to me like this and I wasn't necessarily confident enough to not be embarrassed by what he was suggesting.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt his hand brush my loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"You know the feeling I was talking to you about when I came to your studio to talk to you?" He asked and I could only nod, "Well I've been wondering for a while if I would ever be able to feel that again."

I was fazed at his words. I could see the want and lust in his eyes and how they darted between my eyes and my lips, almost asking me for permission. He edged closer and I started to panic internally. Yes, I sort of wanted him to kiss me but I wasn't stupid. The ulterior motive behind his words and the look on his face were obvious, he wanted more.

Centimetres from connecting our lips, I pushed his face backwards quite harshly.

"What was that for?!" Jimin exclaimed with an annoyed look on his face.

"I don't want to have sex with you," I blurted out, still in a faze of panic.

He sighed, "Was I that obvious?"

"Was that why you asked me out? So you could convince me to sleep with you by the end of it!" I accused him, a scowl adorned my face as I did so.

"Well, yes and no..." He muttered, avoiding my gaze all together.

"What's that even supposed to mean?!" I shout, gaining to attention of a few other customers.

"I did want to get to know you I swear!" He answered, trying to calm me down a bit, "It's just that my mind took me elsewhere."

I scoffed at his words, "If you can't control your mind when your having a civilised conversation with someone, then you must be too perverted," I say bluntly, making his mouth gape open and shut a few times, "And to think I was actually having a good time until now. So, thank you Jimin. The food was lovely. But I can't believe you decided to ruin this nice time by trying to get in my pants. Goodbye."

I immediately left the café. In my rage I stormed home in record time. Honestly I couldn't believe that boy was supposed to be my soul mate. He's a playboy. Nothing could change that. He'd try and get into any girls pants any chance he gets.

I huffed as I landed on my bed, at least I didn't have to see him for much longer. I would be in my new school in a matter of a week and then I'll be away for Park Jimin and all this bullshit he's caused for me.

Picking up my phone after I felt it vibrate in my pocket, I saw I had gotten a text from Minjoon, and it wasn't what I was expecting.

From: Joonie 💕

Hey! Why aren't you with Jimin???? I just saw him walk passed to studio with Jiwoo!!! They were holding hands and everything!! Weren't you on a date with him though??? I'm a very confused gay right now Wonie, please answer!!! Xxx

I jaw nearly hit the floor, I swear.


A/N: OOOHHHH Jimin's playboy attitude is coming out.

How was that???


Cerys :*))

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