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Laying in a heap on the floor, I breathed in and out heavily. My muscles ached from the amount of practising I've been doing the passed couple of days. I needed my audition to go perfectly, even if it meant pushing my body to the limit. My audition was the next day and I've finally been happy with my routine.

"One more time," I whispered to myself, heaving my sore body off of the floor.

I got into my starting position and did the dance routine once more. Ignoring every ache, pain and need for rest my body wanted.

(A/N: Focus on one of the dancers)

Once again after finishing, I fell to the floor. I was so tired at this point. I didn't know if I could even stand up again, I was that tired. But, the dance went perfectly. I smiled though all the pain, pretty certain that I at least had a chance in my audition the next day.

Someone barged through my practise room door. I didn't have the energy to look up at who it was, so I just assumed it was Minjoon. Only when the person grabbed me and yanked me off of the floor, I realised I was mistaken.

"I need answers, right now," Was all they said. I opened my eyes to look at the person, to discover a very angry looking Jimin.

"What do you mean," I replied calmly. Trying to keep my legs from giving way underneath me, I walked to the nearest bench to sit down.

Jimin only followed me, getting more infuriated by my answer.

"Dawon. Explain to me why you felt so different to everyone else," Jimin said.

"You're being vague. Different, how?"

"When we had sex!" He screamed, "Why did you feel completely different to everyone else. You were better somehow. This might be weird, but I swear I felt sparks when you touched me. I'm so confused, just give me some sort of explanation, please."

I just watched as the boy in front of me broke down. His feelings changed so quickly in such a short amount of time. The anger in him disappeared in an instant, only to be replaced by confusion and sadness, causing him to brake down in tears.

I knew exactly why he was confused. My mum told me that when you're with your soul mate, life seemed complete. You could feel the connection between you and your soul mate, and it made everything else, in the world, seem boring in comparison.

Because he wasn't eighteen yet, Jimin didn't understand these feelings and it made me nearly cry myself to see him like this.

"We were drunk, Jimin. Maybe that's why," I whispered, although the silence of the room made it easy to hear anyway. I don't know why I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. Something in me said this wasn't the right time to tell him.

"No," He whimpered, "That doesn't explain it. I've had sex while drunk before. There must be an actual reason why I felt that way."

His sniffles filled the studio as he tried to calm himself down. My heart ached at the sight.

"Tell me you felt it as well," He managed to say, turning around to face me.


I was cut off when he placed his lips on mine, and truth be told, I felt time stop. It felt like it was only him and I in the world. It was an addicting feeling and I knew he felt it as well. But I couldn't let it go any further, despite how much I wanted it to.

"Stop," I mumbled into the kiss, "Jimin, please stop."

I pushed his chest back slightly and he finally got the message, but the look of confusion was still evident on his face.

"You felt it right," He whimpered, "That strange feeling."

I bit my bottom lip, which was still tingling from the interaction we just shared, contemplating whether to tell him the truth or not. 

"No I didn't. I'm sorry," I said. My heart ached after I told him, knowing how much more pain my words could cause for him.

"Stop lying, please," He replied as more tears started to fall down his face, "I could tell that you didn't want to kiss to end."

"That's because I've had a crush on you for years. Not many people get to kiss their crush, Jimin," I confessed. I never thought I'd ever get to tell him that but it seemed a good way to justify myself at that moment.

"You have a crush on me?" He asked dumbfoundedly. I only nodded to answer him.

"I lied as well. I didn't feel nothing. The kiss was nice, it made me feel complete somehow," I told him, as a way to make him feel a bit better. Although I was still lying to him, it felt better telling him a part of the truth.

"Really?" Jimin's face brightened up significantly and the tears stoped running down his face. Again, I only nodded.

A few moments of utter silence passed, until the now quite happy boy spoke up once more.

"So, does this mean you wouldn't object to going on a date with me?" He looked at me with wide eyes, almost pleading me without words.

"Why do you want to go on a date with me?" I whispered, looking down at the floor.

"I like your company. Plus, there's not many girls at our school who like to dance," He smiled, his eyes turning into small crescents, "What do you say?"

"Okay. I'll go," I grinned back at him, causing him to leap into his feet and do a small happy dance.

"I'll pick you up at 12 on Saturday from here," He beamed.

"Alright," I said and started picking up my things, "I'm going to go now, I'll see you there."

"Oh! I'll walk you home," He stated, helping me gather the rest of my stuff.

"No you don't have to."

"I insist," He said while picking up my bag and heading to the door, "C'mon Dawon."


A/N: a bipolar Jimin for y'all :))


Cerys x

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