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I walked back into school in the morning to a massive buzz going around the school.

"Did you hear Seulgi and Jimin aren't soul mates?"

"No way! They were perfect for one another."

"I heard Seulgi's actual soul mate is Taehyung."

"Well that sort of makes sense, considering they were best friends anyway."

"But I heard Jimin got hella depressed about the news."

"Yeah! Apparently he's been sleeping with loads of girls."

"Oh I heard that was well."

They don't know me and Jimin had sex do they?!

"Do you know who," I heard another asked.

"Yeah!" Oh no. "Apparently Yuna has and so has Eunji."

"Well those two are the sluts of year 13 so that's not very surprising."

Oh thank God they don't know. But Yuna and Eunji. Did he really have sex with them in the two days we haven't seen each other?

"Dawon!" I heard a shout from up the corridor. It was Iseul, she was waving at me frantically. I made my way over to her and was immediately bombarded with questions.

"Does anyone else know about what happened that night?" She whispered in a worried voice.

"No, why?" Had anyone been saying stuff about me?

"Oh thank God because I've been hearing girls gossiping about Jimin sleeping with different girls and was worried that anyone had mentioned you," Iseul sighed in relief.

"If what people are saying is true Seulie, that means that Jimin has slept with two girls sinse he slept with me. Two girls! Is he really that upset?" I sighed quietly. Iseul rubbed my back in comfort.

"I know it sounds bad but I'm sure he'll get over Seulgi soon. And then he'll be ready for another round with you," Iseul winked. I gasped and slapped her arm lightly, as we both laughed.

"Don't say stuff like that. Even though it's what I'll hope will happen," I muttered the last part but she heard it nonetheless, bursting out laughing.

Walking towards our lockers, I asked Iseul the question I've been dying to ask since I last saw her.

"So, how did things go with Jungkook?" I questioned her, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

She got all flustered and her cheeks went bright red. Playing with her fingers, She was about to answer but was cut off by the man himself greeting her with a kiss on the lips.

"I guess that answers my question," I laughed, seeing Iseul's face turn to a darker shade of red, if it was possible, "Hey Jungkook."

"Hi Dawon," He smiled back. Only now did I realise how much he resembled a rabbit.

"Hey, I'm going to go to class now. I'll see you later," I said to Iseul, walking off and leaving her alone with her soul mate.

It dawned on me as I walked away that Jimin didn't think anything of me after he slept with me. He probably only used me as rebound sex because he was so upset. But it was upsetting for me to hear that he had already slept with more girls.

I entered my classroom and just sat down in my seat, looking outside the window until the teacher arrived. When the chatter in the room died down, I assumed the teacher had walked in so I turned towards the door. But to my disappointment it wasn't, instead it was Jimin, looking very down.

Every student in the room had a sympathetic look on their face. But Jimin seemed to ignore them all and just sit down in his chair a few rows in front of mine.


It's been two weeks since Jungkook and Seulgi's party and in that time Jimin has completely changed.

About half of the girls in our year has slept with him. It has sort of become a competition to see who would sleep with him next. But everyone knows who's slept with Jimin for one simple reason; every girl who has, has an identical hickey in the same place on their necks from him. Even in such little time the hickies have become know as the 'Park Marks'.

Even though my hickies have more or less disappeared by now, I'm pretty sure that I didn't get one where everyone else has one. Must be because I was the first and he hadn't planned on doing it yet.

Park Jimin has turned very quickly from Seulgi's loyal and sweet boyfriend to the school's renowned playboy.

But a positive that's come from these two weeks is the fact that Iseul and Jungkook's relationship has become a public thing. They've also become the school's new power couple, along with Seulgi and Taehyung.

Because Jungkook and Taehyung are best friends, Iseul started eating lunch with Jungkook and his friends, but, luckily she invited me along too. Surprisingly Seulgi and I have become really good friends. She's very sweet and friendly.

For a while it was quite awkward because I was basically third wheeling two couples, but I solved that problem by inviting Minjoon to sit with us as well. Minjoon was already friends with Jungkook and Taehyung, so they were very keen for him to sit with us when I brought up the idea.

Jimin was supposed to be sitting with us at lunch, but being too busy chasing different girls means he hasn't been with us often at all. I'm quite relieved about that because the last time we had an actually conversation was when I was about to leave his house, the morning after we did it. It would be very awkward if he was here everyday.

"Hey Dawon," Jungkook's voice piped up, snapping me out of my daze, "How's practicing been for that audition you were talking to me about?"

I had gotten an offer to audition for the dance school in Seoul about a week before. I was going to audition to have a scholarship in hip hop and contemporary dance. Jungkook and I spoke about it because he had also had an offer, but declined as he was already going to study dance abroad, after school had finished.

"It's been hard, I guess, but I really want to impress the people there," I said nervously. My audition was in a few days, thinking about it made my stomach erupt in butterflies.

"I know you'll do great," Minjoon and Iseul replied at the same time, making the entire table laugh.

"Yeah, I hope so," I said between giggles.


A/N: hiiii~~~ how was this chapter??


Cerys :))

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