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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

My mind was in overdrive for the majority of that morning. I was panicking. And panicking meant over thinking. And over thinking meant I swore. A lot. Either in my head or out loud, whichever deemed more appropriate at the time.

Today, in my head was more appropriate because I didn't think Mrs Chang would appreciate it if I was continuously swearing in her lesson. It had actually surprised me how well I'd managed to stay focused in the lesson, considering how procupied my mind was.

My mind had been pondering over my mistakes from two days prior and with it now being a Monday, it had to balance the stress of the weekend and of the stress of Mrs Chang's lesson without having a breakdown. I must say, avoiding a breakdown has been a talent of mine these over the course of those two days. But I don't think I can avoid it much longer.

What if Jimin realised it was me? What if he hated me for lying to him about being away when I was just moving schools? Why did I even lie about that? Why did I tell him my name that night?

Too many questions were floating around my head. Too many.

Tears started to brim in my eyes. If I had just told him on my birthday that he was my soulmate, none of this would be happening. I wouldn't be suffering. I wouldn't be yearning to see him 24/7. I wouldn't have had to lie to him. And I wouldn't be feeling like this.

Having a soulmate is so confusing.

Why do we even have to have one?


I fell to my knees in the middle of the choreography, tears streaming from my eyes uncontrollably. Just because it was Jimin I was stressing over, because of our stupid soulmate bond, it made my emotions loads worst. Making me cry harder and harder.

I just wanted to see him.

But at the same time I didn't want him to see me.

The class stopped as soon as my wails became obvious over the sound of Mrs Chang counting to the beat of the music. She made everyone take a break before she approached me.

"Dawon?" Her hand placed itself on my shoulder, "Dawon, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"

I shook my head vigorously in reply to her questions. My crying died down slightly but the tears flowed faster our of my eyes.

"C'mon darling, we need to take you somewhere to calm down," My teacher hoisted me up onto my feet and started to lead me our of the studio. We went across the corridor to her office and she made me sit down in the chair across from where she would usually sit, "Alright, you stay there for a while and calm a bit. I'll make us a cup of tea, okay?"

I nodded feebly at her and just sat there. My body jerked up and down randomly as I cried. Soon enough my movement changed from jerking to just shaking lightly. I hated crying.

"There you go," Mrs Chang placed a mug in my hands, "Drink that and then we'll talk."

I watched as she went to sit down and drink her own cup of tea, before starting with mine. Her office was a very homely place and was proof of how long she'd been working here. On the wall behind her desk were various photographs of all her different classes from over the years. The earliest of them being from 1992.

She caught my gaze and smiled fondly at them, "I've been working here for just over twenty five years now and I've never been bored once," She said, "Each year has brought new and unique students. Not one student has been the same as another. It's been my pleasure to teach students with such talent. After my professional career ended, I never thought I'd like teaching others. But starting here was a turning point in my life. I think I've enjoyed teaching more than the days when I'd perform."

I stared at her in awe. She spoke of her current career which such love and passion, making her words very believable. Many would say such things just to gain favour or to impress someone. But Mrs Chang's words were genuine and it made me happy that I am one of those many students that have made her teaching career so enjoyable.

I hadn't even noticed that I'd stopped crying while listening to her.

"Now tell me," She turned back around to face me, "What's wrong?"

I sighed, "I've just done something stupid and it's stressing me out."

"Oh I see. Do you want to speak about it?" She calmly said, placing down her cup of tea and looking sympathetically at me.

"When I think about what I've done, it's not even that big of a deal," I laughed at bit, "It's just because I did that stupid thing to my soulmate, so my emotions just can't deal with it."

Mrs Chang nodded her head in understanding, "Say no more. Soulmates have always been such confusing things. They effect you much more than anyone realises. But I know one thing that may put your mind at rest..."


"If this person is your soulmate, as you said, they will forgive you. They'll always forgive you. And they'll still love you. Just remember that, Dawon and everything will be fine, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded at her and smiled lightly, suddenly finding the situation much less stressful, "Thank you, Mrs Chang. That made me feel a lot better."

"You're welcome dear," She smiled and stood from her seat, "Now go and rest in your room. I'll tell the class that it's dismissed. Have a nice day."

"You too," I replied happily as we both left the room and went our separate ways.


A/N: I really live Mrs Chang. Do you lot???

Have a good day all!!


Cerys :))

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