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"Hobi, do you think I made the right decision?" My voice was quiet. I'm quite surprised that Hoseok even heard what I said over the noise in the coffee shop. It was Saturday morning and we didn't have classes today. I had been at my new school for a week and been wanting to take me to his favourite coffee place since I arrived. 

"Right decision about what, Wonie?" He asked, taking a small sip of his chai latte. 

"About not telling Jimin I was leaving," I mumbled. This had been on my mind since I moved schools. "He's expecting me to come back. I told him I was going on holiday! Why did I do that? I'm such a fucking coward." 

I groaned loudly and smashed my head on the table, causing a bit of my mocha to spill out of its mug. 

"Hey, you're not a coward. I guess you could have told him, but given the circumstances at the time, I think what you said was the best option," He took another sip of coffee, "He'll just have to rely on Iseul or Seulgi to give him the news that you're about twenty minutes down the road. I bet he'll forgive you straight away."

I gave Hobi a light smile. He knew exactly what to say. I went back to drinking my mocha, looking around the place. It was a quaint little shop. There were lots of succulents scattered around and everything was either white or brown. There was this calming atmosphere and I could understand why Hoseok loved it here so much.

"It's nice here," I said, getting my mind off my racing thoughts.

"Yeah, I thought you'd like it here," Hobi sighed, "It's my happy place and it's nice to bring a friend here for once." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I looked over at him quizzically. His face was blank and his eyes were looking at nothing, almost as if he wasn't here at all in that moment. His actions were completely out of character for him. I shake his arm lightly, "Hoseok."

He jerked slightly, laughing sleepishly, "I'm sorry, what?"

"What did you mean by 'nice to bring a friend here for once'?" I looked at him in concern, something wasn't right. 

"Oh yeah, that," His face dropped a little, "I've only ever come here with my soulmate. I met him here, he worked by the till. I used to come here everyday just to see him. We were inseparable. You're the first person to come here since... since..." 

I watched in surprise as Hobi completely broke down. His tears didn't stop flowing from his eyes. Sniffles quietly escaped his mouth. Guilt was all I felt. I didn't even know that he'd met his soulmate.

"What happened to him, Hobi?" I whispered with a soothing tone, while a reached forward to grab his hand.

"He... died in an earthquake will he was on holiday in San Diego last summer," He whispered back, "I hadn't heard about the disaster, until I got a call from his mum. He... he died trying to save her and his dad. So I guess, he died a hero... my hero." 

He only muttered his last words, but I still heard them. I really didn't know what to say to him. I've never seen him like this. He's always so happy, so energetic, so enthusiastic about everything. I haven't seen him this sad in all the years I've known him. I was actually speechless. 

I went over to him and hugged him. All he did was cry into my shoulder. 

"What was his name," I whispered in his ear, once he had calmed down a bit. 

"His name was John," He said, glancing down at his wrist and I did the same, even though I couldn't see the name myself, "There's a line through it now, his name. But it's still there. It reminds me that there's always a part of him with me, even if I'll never see him again." 

I looked at Hobi with pitiful eyes, but his gaze stayed lovingly looking at his wrist.

"No matter what, he's always with you, you're right. He's here," I placed my fingers gently on his wrist where his tattoo was, "And here," I placed my palm on his chest, right over his heart. 

He beamed at my words, the 'typical' Jung Hoseok personality of his returning slightly. 

"Thank you Wonie, that's exactly what I wanted to hear," He wrapped his arms tightly around me, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck, "He would have loved you, I bet." 

I smiled lightly at his words and planted a small kiss on his cheek. I returned to my seat a few minutes later and finished my mocha, as he finished his chai latte. We both stood up once we'd drank our warm beverages and I extended my hand for him to hold, "Let's go." 

 Jimin's POV.

I was at the studio, again.

It's become sort of a routine now. 

I didn't even know why it's become a habit, but it seems to be the only thing that keeps my mind off of the empty feeling in my chest. I've been wondering what it is for a few days. Nothing seems to suggest a reasonable answer, though. 

I dance and dance and dance, until my legs are numb. Once again, my body falls to the floor after a long and intense practise. I pull my exhausted form from the floor, collect my things and head for the door. I didn't really want Minjoon or Jungkook carrying my body home like they have done a few times this week. 

I made it home as quickly as my sore legs could carry me and I was immediately greeted by my mum at the front door. 

"I was expecting to have to apologise to one of your friends for you over working yourself again tonight," She smirked with her hands on her hips, "Did you finally see how much of a bother you were?" 

I laughed lightly, "Yeah I did, mum." 

I walked passed her towards the staircase, "What's wrong Chimie?" She called from behind me, "You haven't been yourself lately."

I sighed, she did notice then. I wanted to be subtle about things that confused me, but no matter how subtle I was, my mum could always tell when something wasn't right.

"I don't know what's wrong, mum. I'm just confused by something, that's all," I said as I started walking up the stairs. 

"You're acting just like I did just before I had turned eighteen, Chimie. I think I know what's going on," She started, leaning on the banister of the stair, "If I'm right, you're feeling like something isn't right, like something's missing. It almost feels like there's a hole in your chest. Am I right?"

I turned around in disbelief, laughing lightly, "When are you ever wrong, mum?" 

"Ah, I knew it," She smiled, "Do want to know why you feel this way?" 

I nodded enthusiastically.

"It means you've already met your soulmate but you don't know who it is yet. It's basically your body getting excited to reveal it to you," My mum said with a small grin on her face, "You might already know who it is anyway. I most certainly did before I turned eighteen. It's because you act different around your soulmate, you get this big attraction towards them, more than anyone else." 

I nodded to her words, "What type of attraction exactly?"

"It's different for everyone," She sighed, "But for me, I felt tingles anytime your father held my hand or touched me in general. Or anything he did seemed to be better than if anyone else did it. It was like he was perfection and everyone else was inferior in comparison." 

"Wow," Was all I could say as the image of one girl in particular flashed in my mind as my mum spoke. 


A/N: So do you think Jimin figured it out?? 

And what do you think of Hobi's history. I cried writing that down honestly but you know *shrugs* 

Until next time!!


Cerys ;))

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