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Dancing was peaceful. Even if a slightly agitated middle aged woman was screaming at you to get the moves she'd choreographed perfect. Dancing with Hoseok was even more peaceful, as we had been dancing together for many years and we both synced together easily. It took the edge off the stress, dancing with him did.

"And a one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight," Mrs Chang chanted from the piano, watching us all with a slightly off-putting intensity, "C'mon ladies! Sharper, be more dynamic. Gentleman, try to flow more, please. You are supposed to be some of the best dancers the country has to offer, perform like that please," She was shouting now. Perfection only is what this teacher stood by. Yes, it was annoying. But, it did achieve the best possible results out of us all.

I've been in the school for over a week and a half and finally Mrs Chang's lessons are becoming bearable.

"Okay, that's enough for today, make sure to stretch and I'll see you all tomorrow," Mrs Chang said, standing up from her place at the piano and leaving the room.

Hobi and I sat down on the floor, along with a few of his other friends that I had come to know and started doing stretches as she suggested.

"Her lessons make me want to take a week off so my legs can recover, I swear," Hana, a new friend of mine, said, causing us all to laugh.

"I'd say an army general would be a better suited job for her," I laughed as I pulled off my dance shoes and replaced them with my slides, which were much more comfortable.

We all started getting up one by one, once we were convinced we'd stretched enough and made our way out of the room. As we walked towards the common room, Jungsik suggested, "Since it's a Friday and we obviously don't have lessons tomorrow, I'd say we should go to a party."

"Oh my, yes!" Hana exclaimed as she started jumping up and down on the spot, "That's an amazing idea! I haven't been to a decent party in a while and I really need to wind down a bit."

The rest of us nodded in agreement and Hana's outburst made a few other students aware and interested in Jungsik's idea. He nudged Hoseok, "You have a load of different friends Hobi. I'm sure at least one of them would be down to host a party or is already having one tonight."

Hoseok nodded his head in agreement and fished out his phone from his back pocket, "I'll see what I can do."

He dialled a number and walked out of the noisy common room once the person on the other end answered. We all watched him leave the room, hoping he'll come back with some good news. Nobody had gone to a party since the summer, so we were all quite eager to get wasted and have a good time.

We waited about two minutes before Hoseok scampered back into the room excitedly.

"A friend of mine is having a party at his place at nine. Be there or be square my friends. He has a pool and plenty of drinks so far with more on the way. He said any friend of mine is welcome," Hobi announced to our small croud. He didn't really want a whole school of kids turning up to his friends house, so he kept the information to the group of us who heard Jungsik's original idea.

"Yes, yes, yes! A pool and boys and alcohol, my three favourite things, especially if they're combined," Hana squealed, hugging my side, "C'mon Dawon. Let's go get ready!"


"So who's house is this?" I asked Hoseok as we neared the massive home with music loudly playing on the inside. I could hear water splashing a people cheering as well, lots of people.

"Oh, this is Yoongi's place," He shrugged, "You met him once, if you remember. Yeah, he's in university, so there might be a lot of older people there as well, bare that in mind."

"Wow," I stared at the building. His family must be rich then. The house was a very elegant and had four floors to it. It was also secluded, so they didn't have to worry about people complaining about noise. Which is good considering the magnitude of the party Yoongi was hosting.

Our group continued to walk up the lane to the house, passing the line of cars parked up the entire length of if. We reached the door and Hobi held it open for everyone, "Have fun guys and make sure to get back safe, however way you manage it."

The smile on Hoseok face was huge as we entered the house, he was in his element, "I'll get you a drink, Wonie. Wait here."

I did as he asked and waited. He came back minutes later with a red cup with a dark purple liquid inside and handed it to me. I looked over and he had a similar one in his cup, "I know you don't like drinking, but try this. It's not too bad."

I took a sip. It was sweet but had a bitter after taste to it. I liked it, "So what is it?"

"It's a mix of vodka, lemonade and blackcurrant cordial. So basically an alcoholic squash. You like?" He explained while taking a sip out of his. I nodded in reply to his question, "Good, now come with me and dance."

I followed him into the mass of people and started swaying my body to the beat of the music. We both did this together until I got so caught up in the music that I didn't realise he'd gone somewhere. But by that time I'd had four of the same drink and it was starting to get to my head. So, I continued dancing.

About an hour later I felt a pair of hand place themselves on my waist while starting to moved along with my body to the beat. I didn't think much of it at first, since I was now drunk because of the drink I had acquired from passing friends.

"Wow babe, are you trying to attract every man in this place with that sexy body of yours," The person holding me slurred into my ear, "And this outfit of yours," He paused as his fingers staring caressing my sides gently, "Is not exactly PG13 is it?"

I giggled slightly at the sensation he was giving me. I guess he was right, the dress I had borrowed from Hana didn't leave much to the imagination, to say the least. It was a khaki green dress that just about covered my butt and clung tightly to my chest and curves. Hana insisted I also wore a choker with it because it was 'sexy'.

I felt the man start leaving light kisses down my neck and onto my shoulder, "What's your name beautiful?"

"Dawon," I whispered, leaning back into him.

"Well I'm Jimin, babe. Nice to meet you," He replied huskily in my ear. My body froze at the name.

No, it couldn't be.

I slowly turned myself round, trying not to be too obvious with my intentions. I glanced at his face through the corners of my eyes and sure enough, it was him.

Park Jimin.


A/N: ayyeeeee. He always seems to just turn up doesn't he???


Cerys ;)))

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