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"How could you tell?" I asked Iseul.

It was now break time. Honestly, I had been itching to ask my best friend this question all through the two boring lessons of History and Maths. She didn't give me a chance to speak to her in class because she dragged me to the toilets as soon as class finished, giving us more privacy (she had to check all the toilet stalls were empty before letting me speak though). 

It didn't surprise me that she found out, but I thought that Iseul might need at least a few hints before figuring it out.

"It was the way you were looking at him, Dawon. It wasn't like how you looked at him yesterday or the day before, with longing and fascination. You looked at him today with sadness in your eyes. Almost as if you felt bad for him."

I nodded at my best friend, confirming what she was saying was true.

"I also thought you were lying when you said your soul mate was this boy called Jung Yoonmin. You looked quite frustrated when you said his name to me and the rest. I don't think you realise this Dawon, but your eyes say a lot more than your words."

I felt so glad to have Iseul as a friend. She's known me longer than anyone else. I could easily say that she knows me better than I know myself.

"I wanted to tell you Iseul. But I didn't know how to. He's the Park Jimin. That most popular guy in school. Everyone expects his soul mate to be Seulgi. And why wouldn't they! They are goals on a new level. I can't be the reason they break up, Iseul. I can't be," I nearly broke down right there and then. This entire situation was irritating me. Why couldn't I have a normal soul mate? Why did it have to be the boy every girl in school wants?

"Hey, hey, hey. Dawon, calm down. To start off with, you forget that I know you better than anyone. I know your nearly about to cry; not because you don't want him as a soul mate but because you don't think you're good enough for him. Obviously, if you and Jimin are soul mates, him and Seulgi aren't ment to be. Now listen, you can't control who your soul mate is, so stop worrying about it. It's not your fault at all," I smiled at Iseul as she spoke. She always knows how to make me feel better. She has a way to make any bad situation not sound bad at all.

"And anyway Dawon, Seulgi's birthday is in a few weeks and Jimin's is in about four months. So it won't be you who will be the reason they break up, it will be Seulgi and whoever her soul mate is," Iseul laughed as we left the toilets when the lesson bell rang, signalling the start of the next lesson, which was Korean Literature.

I spent the rest of the day as I usually do, keeping my head low, avoiding trouble and socializing with my friends. None of my other friends suspected that I had lied to them, which was a relief.

After school, I decided that I needed to blow off some steam. So I went where I usually go to do this, the dance studio. It's almost a tradition of mine to go there as soon as I finish school for about an hour. But today, I felt like I needed to be there longer.

I got to the studio and there to greet me at the front desk was Minjoon. Next to him was a small cake and a balloon.

"Happy Birthday Dawon!" He practically screamed, jumping up and down excitedly, a bit like a puppy, "I can't believe you're already eighteen, it feels like just yesterday we were in our first dance class together."

I've known Minjoon longer than anyone I've ever met. He's my other best friend, almost like a brother to me. I can always count on him to make me smile. I would have loved it if he was my soul mate, but unfortunately he's gay. But that doesn't stop me from jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, Minie!" I exclaimed while giving him a tight squeeze. He spun me around in his arms and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"I know how much you love food, so I made you a cake," He said as he pointed at the chocolate cake on his desk. I jumped around excitedly and we both went to the staff room to eat it before going to the studio.

The cake was delicious. Annoyingly, Minjoon had to continue his shift at the front desk, or else he'd be fired, so he had to go. I went on ahead to one of the empty studios.

When I got there, I plugged my phone into the speakers and started playing Believer by Imagine Dragons. This was one of my favourite songs to dance to.

(A/N: Just concentrate on the girl's part. Xx)

I finished the dance, breathing heavily. I'd been practising that dance for a few weeks now and I wanted to perfect it.

I replayed the song again and again. Danced the routine again and again. Until I finally collapsed onto the floor in a heap. I was so tired. I lay there for a few minutes, just staring at the ceiling, catching my breath.

I glanced at the clock in the far corner of the room, it said eight thirty. I had been there longer than I thought. My parents always assume I'm here late at night, so they wont be worrying. I decided to dance the routine one last time before going home.

I put all the effort I could muster into that last dance and performed it flawlessly, in my opinion. I waited in the final position, breathing heavily, then I heard applause behind me. I must say it took me by surprise, but it could only be Minjoon, He always does that to me when he finishes his shift, and then he go home together.

But then I remembered, Minjoon's shift finished at seven. He came to the studio to tell me he was leaving. If it wasn't Minjoon standing by the door, then who was it?

I turned around slowly hoping and praying to see my overly excitable best friend, only to see the boy I've been trying to avoid all day.

Park Jimin.


A/N: Second chapter finished. What do you think? Will Jimin find out she's his soul mate in the next chapter?

Keep reading to find out!!

Vote and comment!!

Byee~~ Cerys >•<

P.s Believer is one of my favourite songs. It's a 🅱ussy 🅱op! (Any CrankthatFrank viewers here??)

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