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I looked at him I'm disbelief as he continued to applaud me.

"I must say, that was very impressive," He started with a smirk, as he looked down at me. I was significantly shorter than Jimin. I was probably the shortest person in our year and get teased about that fact every day from my friends.

"Thanks," I mumbled back, looking down at my feet, as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

"Hey," He called at me, "Are you in this dance studio often because I don't think I've ever seen you before and I've met everyone here."

Of course we'd know everyone here. He's such a social person, who wouldn't know him. I bet all the girl's working here along side Minjoon flirt with him daily. Even if he has a girlfriend, that doesn't stop his playboy personality.

"Um, yeah, I've been coming here practically every day since I was ten, but I'm usually gone by five or six," I finally answer him, looking at his shocked reaction to my words.

"Oh wow, funny how I've never bumped into you in that amount of time," He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the nape of his neck slowly. He had this cute smile on his face that I tried so hard not to fangirl over.

"Yeah, it is a bit," I replied with a just as awkward chuckle.

"So, what's you're name?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Min Dawon," I said, with slight hesitation. I sort of didn't want him to know my name, just because then he'll know I'm his soul mate when it come to his birthday. But then I figured, he probably meets loads of people everyday, he won't even remember who I am tomorrow.

"Oh~," He answered, "So, you're the famous Min Dawon that Minjoon keeps talking about."

Oh crap. Of course we'd know Minjoon. He said he knew everyone in this place. And knowing my extremely social and friendly best friend, he'd probably spoken to Jimin loads. Minjoon knew about my crush on Jimin and has, without a doubt, mentioned me a few times, so he knows I exist. Damn I really hated that boy sometimes.

"Yeah, Minjoon's my bestfriend. I've known him for years," I explained to him as he nodded his head.

"Well, that's quite obvious, he talks about you a lot. I can tell he's very fond of you," Jimin mused and I smiled secretly to myself, "I'm Park Jimin by the way."

"I know," I blurted out without realising, resulting in him giving me a weird look, "I mean... I go to your school, I'm in your year actually and I guess everyone knows who you are."

I laughed nervously, trying to cover up the fact that I was freaking out in my head. He only nodded his head slowly, obviously not recognising me from the said place.

"Ah, well I'll look out for you in school tomorrow Dawon," The blond boy in front of me said.

Oh no, no, no, He couldn't try and look for me. He'll then find me easily once he finds out the 'amazing' news that I'm his soul mate. Dammit why did I have to tell him? Now I'll just have to avoid him for the rest of my school life.

"I have to go," He continued, "Keep working on that dance, it's really good. See you!" And then he walked out of my studio.

I quickly collected all of my things, ran to the locker room to get my jacket and bag and got as quickly as possible out of that place before I could bump into him again. I couldn't believe that I spent a good couple of minutes talking to that boy. Ahhh!

I needed to talk to Minjoon and Iseul about this. I had to text them as soon as I got home.

I barged though my front door and without saying a word to anyone went to my room. The first thing I did was scream as loudly as I could into my pillow. Today had been too different from my average life. I guess it couldn't be average from now on. Now that that boy had become a part of my life, it couldn't be.

I opened my phone to a text from Minjoon, saying:

OMG! Dawon! I completely forgot! You're eighteen now. You know who your soul mate is now!! Argh! Tell me who the lucky soul is! I demand to know who will be taking my precious Dawon away from me! Xx

I giggled at the message. Typical Minjoon. Of course he'd forget something as big as my figuring out my soul mate. And he was so over the top when texting me. I swear he needed some sort of pill to chill himself out. I quickly typed my reply:

It's your good old pal, Park Jimin.

I practically immediately got a reply:

What?! The all time crush, playboy of  our school, dashing and handsome, Park Jimin??? Xx

Why did he have to be so specific? There wasn't any other "Park Jimin"'s he knew.

Yes. That Jimin. We even had a convo after you had left. He said you talk about me ALL THE TIME! Istg Minie, if you've said anything strange about me, I'm going to kill you!!

He simply replied with:

Haha! That's for you to find out ;) xx

God I was actually going to kill him. But he wouldn't reply to me after that, so I gave up and got ready for bed. It was now around 10 at night and I knew that Iseul would be sleeping, so I sent her a massive paragraph explaining the adventure I had had after school, for her to read in the morning.

I lay there in bed for a few minutes admiring the name imprinted to my wrist. I wish he'd know. I wish I'd be more attractive, so I wouldn't feel like I did now, unworthy of him. I imagined all types of scenarios with him having all types of different reactions to finding out it was I, who was his soul mate.

I stopped doing this when I imagined Jimin actually dying of shock and embarrassment when he found out. I decided to try and sleep. But first I needed to figure out how to avoid a boy who was in my class and was trying to look for me for the next few school years.

Was I over-reacting? Probably.


A/N: Hiiiiii~~~

Another cheeky chappy for you all. Hope it was good enough!!

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Byeeeeeee!!! ~ Cerys >•<

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