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I sat on my window sill, a cup of tea warming my hands as I looked out of my window at the street in front of the school. I felt lucky to get such a view, considering I was only in my first year.

After my talk with Mrs Chang I went back to my room and got changed into something more comfortable. I didn't have anymore classes that day so I wanted to spend the rest of it alone, especially after that morning's scene.

I fixed my eyes on the street once again. Most of the commuters probably didn't notice my gaze following them down the street and wondering who they were and where they were going.

So far, I haven't spotted anyone that I knew, which made me realise how big this city actually was. The school is far from my old one, which explains the lack of familiar faces. I could recognised the majority of people who lived in the suburbs surrounding the school my friends still attend. 'Our own territory' Iseul used to call it because of the way everyone knew each other. Parents were friends with other parents and the kids all went to one of the five primary schools and eventually all attended the same high school.

But as always I jinxed myself because that day I saw one of my previous classmates from my window above the street. And not necessarily the one I wanted to see.

Park Jimin.

Of course, with my luck it always ends up being him. But I can't really complain. Every time I see him, my heart skips a beat, thanks to us being soulmates. Today though, my heart longs for him, probably because of the amount of time I've been away from him. Honestly, I didn't think it would take such a toll on me seeing him again.

Why he was here on the other hand was a mystery to me.

That was, until I saw Hobi walking towards him down the steps of the school. I tried to open my window to hear what they were talking about, but their voices were so shushed that I couldn't hear. Their conversation was about 20 seconds long, before Jimin started running up the steps of the school and into the building, while Hoseok walking idly in after him.

The ring of my phone dragged my attention away from the scene. It was a simple message from Hoseok saying:

You have a pretty excited visitor ;))

At first I stared at the message, quite confused. But as I dragged my eyes to the date written at the top of my phone screen, I realised why Hobi texted me. It was Jimin's birthday.


Jimin's POV

"Happy birthday Chimie," My mum whispered lightly to rouse me from my sleep.

My eyes fluttered open as my dad walked into the room as well holding a cake, "Happy birthday, my boy," He said while placing the cake down on my bedside table.

Eighteen at last.

My parents gave me my presents, we ate some cake, even though mum did insist we have a proper breakfast first and then they left me to get ready for the day ahead. Once they closed the door my hand went straight for the fabric covering the soulmate tattoo on my wrist. Tugging it up my arm, I look at the name printed down on my skin.

Min Dawon.

My breath hitched. It was actually her. After what my mum had told me a few nights ago, I had thought and hoped it was her. But, she was on holiday.

But then again two weeks prior she said she would be back today. So that meant that I would see her at school that day. My body acted on its own as it rushed to pack all my things and run towards the school building.

Luckily for me, the first person I saw was Iseul. She would definitely know where Dawon is.

"Iseul!" I shouted over the crowd, "Iseul!" She turned to look at me and waved, "Iseul! I need to know where Dawon is, have you seen her?"

Guilt flashed across her face quite obviously, "Why?"

"She said she'd back back from her holidays today. Have you seen her? I really need to speak to her," My body was jumping around excitedly.

"No I haven't seen her because she won't be in today," Her voice was laced in sadness and guilt.

"Why not," My mind was frantically trying to spot her in the crowd of students but to no avail.

"She's not a student here anymore, Jimin."

"Wait, what do you mean? Is she in school in Austrailia or something? Oh please tell me that's not true, I have to see her," I pleaded the girl in front of me, suddenly very anxious.

"No," She paused, "She never even went on holiday. She's just moved school but she didn't know how to tell you, I guess."

I froze. So that meant it was very possible that it was Dawon that night at Yoongi's party.

"S-so where is she?" I questioned. Oh please don't be too far away.

"Seoul Dance School," Iseul answered me, looking down at her feet, "I'm sorry for keeping that from you, but she told me not to said until your birthday. So I guess it's sort of a birthday present telling you but-"

"It's fine Iseul. Thanks for telling me. Now tell whoever is teaching us today that I won't be in," I said as I started walking away from the school.

"Wait. Why?"

"Because I'm going to find my soulmate."

I was walking down the street and soon enough the school was in my sight. I pulled out my phone and called Hoseok, who I knew attended the school. After a few rings he answered.

"Hey Hobi! Are you doing anything right now?" I questioned before he even had the chance to say 'hello'.

"Umm no."

"Great. Could you meet me at the front of your school, like right now?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll be down in a minute," He said quickly and hung up the phone.

I waited by the gate for a minute before I saw him jogging down the steps of the school towards me.

"Hey Chim! What are you doing here?" He asked showing his heart shaped smile.

"I need you to tell me where Dawon's room is," I said quickly. He nodded in reply.

"Room 0518. The second floor," He smiled knowingly, "Happy Birthday by the way."

Once I heard his answer I started sprinting up the stairs, "Thank you."

I only heard him laugh at my actions as I ran through the doors of the school. I made a beeline for the staircase and started bounding up them two steps at a time. When I reached the second floor, I bolted down a corridor scanning the door numbers as I went.

I nearly fell over when I stopped abruptly as I saw 0518 on one of the doors. I breathed deeply and knocked on the door.

It took the person on the other side two seconds to open the door and once they did I threw myself onto them.

My arms latched onto the girls smaller frame and I buried my head into the crook of her neck. Her scent invaded my senses and I sighed in contentment.

"Jimin," Her voice was quiet and gentle.

"I missed you so much," I breathed out and tears started flowing out of my eyes, "My soulmate."




be prepared for a very mushy and adorable next chapter tho ♡♡

Also. Thank you all for 2k reads!! I'm very grateful and hope it means that people enjoy the book!!


Cerys :'))

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