Chapter 27

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As the sun rays fell on me rather than getting annoyed a smile came on my face.
I picked up my mobile from the side table.
There were 5 messages and exactly 5 missed calls and there is no doubt who can this be.
I opened my call log and called back.
"Hey Baby!"
"Someone is chirpy rather than annoyed in the early hours of the day."
I just laughed.
"Happy Anniversary by the way."
Thanks, Love."
My phone started beeping in between. Another call was coming. I smiled as I looked at the caller.
"I'll speak to you later."
"Why? Who is calling you?"
"As if you can't guess, Alice." I rolled my eyes.
"Now Bye." Without listening to her I disconnected her call and picked up Masons.
"Good Morning!" I said.
"Morning, Sunshine."
I huge smile came up to my lips.
"So I guess you are not coming today as well."
"I'd say you guessed it right."
"Why are you doing this with me? You should be here today."
"Patience, Baby. I will be with you. Just wait."
"Whatever you mean by that?" By the way I saw your message and well that was a bad rhyme." He laughed.
I was shocked. I never thought he'd actually say that. I know it's true but still.
"Am I gonna be tortured like that the whole day?" He laughed again.
Now my mouth was hanging open and something that I was not meant to say came out of my mouth.
"Fuck Off."
He laughed even more.
"I hate you, Mason Anderson. Seriously get lost."
"Heyy. I'm sorry. I was lying. It was sweet. If anything it was a little funny that's it."
"I don't believe you."
"Does it mean you won't send me more messages?"
"You must be happy about that."
"Oh C'mon. I was kidding, Love."
'Love' he called me love. That one word made me forget everything. Damn you Elena, Focus.
"Hello? Edwards?"
"Nothing. When are we meeting again?"
"And seriously I liked your message. Trust me and I have reached office now. Will talk later. Bye."
I smiled but I was serious I am not going to message him again but what will I do now. I'm back to square 1 not knowing what I should do.
It's been an hour and I still couldn't think of anything.
'You are useless, Elena.' I thought.
"What's wrong dear? Why these many lines on your forehead?"
Mom came and sit with me on the sofa.
I placed my head in her lap and closed my eyes.
"Is it about Mason?"
Just hearing his name brings a smile on my face. I'm so fucked up.
"What happened?"
"Today is our one month anniversary. I have everything planned for the evening but I wanted to make his whole day special by sending him sweet messages but he made fun of me and I don't want to message him again even though at the end he said he liked them but I don't..."
"Shhhh, take a breath will you. I got it."
"Sorry. But suggest me something."
"What message did you send him? Can I see it?"
"Nooo. I immediately sat up."
"Okayy. " She raised her eyebrow.
"It's not what you thinking. It's just that I feel stupid now and I don't want you to laugh at me."
"Hey, I will never do that but it's ok. Now what can we do to surprise him?"
My phone buzzed.
I unlocked it. It was a message from Mason.
'Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
You are not here
And I miss you. '
Yeah yeah I'm no better than you are. So now you can go ahead and make fun of my poem.
P.s You were better than me ❤'
All my anger that was still there just vanished away. Gosh I love him and I'm gonna tell him that.
"Let's not think of anything. I want to go with the flow, Mom."
"Was it Mason messaging you?"
I chuckled and nodded.
"Fine. What time you are meeting him today?"
"7:00 P.M"
"Is he coming to pick you up?"
"No. I'll leave a little early to have a look at the arrangements."
It was around 5 P.M already so I messaged him the details of the place and asked him to meet me at 7 in the evening.
As expected he called and we started talking again. It was at 5:45 that I literally disconnected his call because he still wanted to talk.
I started getting ready. I wore the dress that I bought yesterday at the mall. I applied little make up, wore a charm bracelet. I did not want to go overboard.
I came downstairs. It was 6:15 already.
Dad was sitting on the dining table.
"Hey Dad." I kissed Dad on the cheek.
"Where are you going, young lady?"
"She has a date." Mom simply said.
"What? Why I am not aware about this?" He looked at me.
"I'm sorry Daddy. But I promise I will tell you everything tonight."
"You better do that and I hope this guy that you are going with is from a nice family and treats you well."
"It's her boss." Mom said again. I looked at her and she was busy surfing on her phone.
"Mom. Seriously? Do you want tome to go right now or not? Dad I promise I'll come back early and we will talk about this but right now I'm getting late."
"Elena." Dad looked at me. I hugged him.
"I'll take care of myself, Dad. I love you."
"I love you too."
"Aww you two." Mom said.
"Bye Mom." I hugged her tightly and left after that.
The place was 20 minutes away from my house. I reached there at 6:50. But as I saw everything I was happy. It was perfect. It looked as that very restaurant that Mason and I went to when we were in Spain.
Little lights were glowing all around.
'Mason come soon.'
I waited at the table. It was 7:30 already and Mason is not here yet. Damn him and his old habit of coming late.
I called him once, twice, thrice. No answer.
'Where the hell are you Mason Anderson?'
'May be he is driving.' My innervoice said.
'He could still pick up my call.'
8:30 and there still was not any trace of Mason.
Is he alright? I started to get worried. What if something bad happened to him. So many negative thoughts started coming in my mind.
Mason would never do this with me but where is he now?
"Ma'am do you want something?" The Manager came to me.
"No. I'm waiting here for someone."
He left.
'Mason where are you?'
I called him again. His phone was switched off now.
I can't believe this. I can't comprehend what is happening right now.
It was 9:45 and I finally left the place.
I went home. Mom and Dad were waiting for me. I don't know what to say to them.
Seeing my face my Mom immediately hugged me.
"Baby what happened?"
"Elena?" Dad was standing behind me.
I hugged him tightly.
"He did not come. I don't know why. He didn't pick my call."
"I will kill him for making you cry like this." Dad was amgry.
"No Daddy please. Don't do anything. Let me first figure it all out. Please." I pleaded him.
He nodded.
"I am going to my room now. Good night."
I came to my room and shut the door behind.
I called Mason again. His phone was still switched off.
'Why Mason? Why?'
The whole night I could not stop myself from crying. Holding his photo in my hand I don't know when did I drift off to sleep.

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