Chapter 3

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I plopped back into my seat, closing my eyes for a brief moment of respite. But before I could even catch my breath, a familiar face materialized in front of me.

"Yes, Ali?" I asked, slightly taken aback.

"How was the meeting?" she inquired, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"It went well. They were thoroughly impressed and we landed the project," I replied, a hint of satisfaction lingering in my voice.

"Well, that's fantastic news!" Ali beamed, her excitement infectious. I returned her smile, appreciating her genuine enthusiasm.

"So, what are your plans for tonight?" she probed, mischief twinkling in her gaze.

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating the exhaustion that had settled into my bones. "I don't think I have any plans. Why do you ask?"

A mischievous grin spread across Ali's face as she leaned in, her voice dripping with anticipation. "My parents won't be home tonight. That means you're coming over to my place, and we're going to have a blast! Movies, gossip, and..."

"Ali, I'm sorry to interrupt," I interjected, trying to catch my breath. "But I don't think I'm up for it tonight. I haven't slept prop..."

"No, no," Ali swiftly shook her head, cutting me off mid-sentence. "Miss Elena, I wasn't asking for your permission, alright? I was telling you. So, shut up. It's been ages since we had a night of fun together. I won't entertain any of your excuses, especially not this one. We're leaving the office together today. Now, get back to work. Adiós!" With a playful wink, she turned on her heels and left, leaving me to stare at the back of the mischievous devil.

At 6:00, we finally left the office, embarking on our adventure to Ali's place.

As we arrived, I instinctively made my way to the living room, dropping my belongings on the table and collapsing onto the sofa, longing for a moment's peace.

"Edward, get up! This isn't a slumber party!" Ali's voice pierced through my attempt at tranquility. I futilely attempted to block out the sound by pressing a pillow against my ears. "Just give me five minutes, please. I'm exhausted."

"No, wake up, or I'll personally kick you off that sofa. And you know I don't break my promises," Ali warned, her determination evident.

Left with no other choice, I begrudgingly rose to my feet. While I despised being ordered around, I knew better than to defy Ali. "Ugh... Fine."

I trudged towards her bedroom, slipping inside to borrow some fresh clothes. After refreshing myself, I emerged, finding Ali busy in the kitchen.

"Hey, Ali?" I called out.

"Yes?" she responded, her attention momentarily diverted from her culinary endeavors.

"Just remember, I hate you..." I began, a playful edge to my voice.

Ali chuckled, interrupting me. "Haha, you know what? I was actually thinking of ordering a pizza, but..."

"Oh, no, no! I meant to say, 'I love you, Ali.' You know, it was a slip of the tongue," I hastily corrected myself, flashing her a sweet smile.

"Of course," the devilish glint returned to Ali's eyes as she playfully shot me a knowing look.

"What are you cooking?" I inquired, hoping to distract her from any further mischief.

"Popcorn, baby! We can't have a movie night without popcorn," she announced, triumphantly brandishing a bowl.

"I couldn't agree more,"

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