Chapter 1-The First Day of School

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The Life of a Geek

Chapter 1~First Day of School

I woke up with the cold breeze on my face. The beautiful yellow sunrise on the window. The leaves of the trees moved by the direction of the wind.

"Savanna! C'mon! Stop staring at the window and prepare for the first day of school!" My older brother, Shane said.

I almost forgot!! It's the first day of school. I have to deal with Oliver again. That bastard. The thought of dealing with him makes me bawl my fists and give a death glare.

I ran down the spiral staircase and prepared a cereal for breakfast. Quickly, I finished the bowl.

I went to my closet room and prepared my oh-so-not-hot look. I wore a white baggy shirt and black leggings. Lastly, the black flats.

I took a warm bath in the bathtub.

After that, I changed and tied my hair on the right side which had a little curl at the end of my brown hair. I got my iphone and backpack.

Lastly, I placed my eyeglasses on my ocean-blue eyes.

I went to the front door and saw my brother in the car.

"Come in." He said. He gave me a glare. I gave him an innocent apologetic smile. He doesn't want to be late to see his girlfriend. I checked my iPhone and seen no notifications. I looked at the window and see other houses.

After a while, we were there. I went down from the car and ran to my friends. Chloe and Samuel. I kinda liked Samuel a bit but I still like Gabe. I waved at them and they waved back.

I sat beside them under the shade of the tree and have them a bear hug. We chat about our vacation and shared pictures in our phone.

Sadly, someone got it. Of course, as I expected, it's Oliver. The ultimate playboy wherein every girl would drool on and every boy would envy. But excuse me Mr. Playboy, remember that that will never work on me. I gave him the death glare.

He gave me a devilish grin and raised up the iPhone."Looking for this?" He shaked the iPhone.

"Don't you dare, Oli." I said bawling my fists at my sides. He then gave a chuckle. Many girls think he's the prince of the campus but no, he's a devil.

"Catch it if you can!" He raised his hand even higher.

"Please. Put it down Oli." Chloe requested with a soft voice. Good thing Chloe was popular and hot. If not, Oli wouldn't give me back my phone. I mouthed 'thank you' to Chloe then she winked me in return

"Fine. You win now, Sav." He said giving me back my phone. He turned to Chloe and have her a sweet smile. Chloe smiled back which I knew was fake.

"Why didn't you help, Sammy boy?" I teased and Chloe and I chuckled. "Stop calling me that and it's not funny." He muttered. But they were for me. His cheeks were becoming a bit red. I know he likes Chloe. The way he looks at her, the way he acts near her and EVERYTHING!

Oh, that hurt feeling! But I know that Chloe deserves that. I mentally slapped myself and shook the thought away.

"Umm... Savvy Girl?" He returned the joke on me. He got me there... I faked a laugh and glared at him saying,"Plagiarism... Thats my line!" I said and gave a fake annoyed look. They both laughed.

"Hey umm.. Chloe, can you hang out with me and study Chemistry? I think I'll fail!" Suddenly, a girl appeared out of nowhere. We gave her a confused look.

"But it's the first day of school! We would only introduce to each other and stuff like that in class!" Sam stated. We all nodded in agreement and she gave us a smile. I knew that she faked it but none of them know. It's in her aura.

"Umm.. ehem.." She faked a cough."Uhh.. I just really wanna graduate and be prepared." She excused. I knew that there was something with this girl that is...evil. Her emerald eyes looking at me, intently.

"It's okay. I'll go." Chloe gave a genuine smile.

"Be careful. Kay?" Sam winked at Chloe and gave a thumbs up. Oh that hurt feeling.. again!

"You must like her.." I said to brake the silence.

"N-No! I-I don't!" He stuttered. I just chuckled and said,"That's what I thought." I gave him a smirk which turned into a smile. I hope I don't get caught. I hope I didn't give him a sad smile.

"You look cute when you smile." He pinched my nose making me blush a little.

"Oh.. umm.. Whatever!" Wow, Sav. Good save-NOT! I stick out my tongue making him laugh. I just made this worse. We chatted about everything. Especially how we miss each other. I miss these times but it wasn't complete without Chloe.

"How's summer?" Sam asked.

"It went pretty good actually." I stated. Suddenly, the bell rang. We both packed our stuff. Surprisingly, me and Sam had the same classes. Now it was Arts.

We went to our classroom and sat beside each other. We would always sit beside each other. Gosh! I missed these days!

After Arts, we went to the cafeteria and ate lunch. We went to our usual spot and scanned around if Chloe was here. We didn't see her.

Then we saw Brittany passing us with some other girls. We were going to say Hi or where Chloe is but she said,"If you're looking for your friend, she is going to stay with us so don't even bother to look for her, losers. Right girls?" She said casually. The other girls agreed. She had like an L written on her forehead.

How dare she? She doesn't have the right to talk to us like that. We suddenly saw Chloe at following them at the back. She was giggling and laughing about some jokes the other girls. These girls better not be talking about us!

"Hey Chlo-"

"Oh hey! What's up! Gotta go! Don't go with me anymore guys! I'm going with them." She gave us the sweet innocent smile.

That. My best friend? Seriously? She doesn't act like before. Her attitude is different.

"Was she hypnotized?" Sam asked.

"I really don't know.."

××X T L O A G X××

Hey guys! New story! This is my second book. Hope u like it!

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Plz guys. It would make my day. xD

Xx_WaTaTaTaTa_xX signing out!

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