Nolan Gray

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With war declared between the brothers and me, who knew what would happen now? Nolan moved in for the kill. I walked to my locker when someone said, "Hey, Tits McGee! Did you lose something?"

I turned around to see Nolan twirling one of my bras around on his finger. Where did he get my bra, and how did he bring it into school?

"Nolan! Give me back my bra!" I chased after him.

He bolted while holding my bra.

Let me explain about Nolan. He's fifteen and a sophomore in high school. He's the family's baby and has a perverted side to him. One time, I caught him watching me change. I wanted to dropkick him in the nuts.

I ran after him, but he ran faster. When I reached him while trying to catch my breath, the brothers raised my bra on the flagpole. They let my C cup flap alongside the flag. I wanted to kill them.

"Well, that's a fascinating new flag," a voice said.

Oh, God. Please let it not be him. I turned, and sure enough, Bryson Tilson stood next to me with his backpack flung over one shoulder. My crush saw my black, lacy bra flapping in the wind. Now I want to die.

I turned and walked away while the boys smirked. That was it. Tonight, I was no longer staying with the Grays. I didn't care if I slept in the garage at my house. I refuse to spend one more night with those disgusting boys, even if they're freaking hot.

By the time I got to their house, they had beaten me there. I walked into the kitchen.

"My brothers told me that you saluted the entire school," Nash said with a smirk while the rest snickered.

Without saying a word, I walked past them.

"Oh, please don't go away mad. Just go away!" Nixon said, causing them to laugh.

I hurried up to Nash's room and packed my stuff. After ensuring I had all my belongings, I carried my bags downstairs.

Nolan caught me leaving. "Where are you going?"

I didn't look at him. "Why do you care? You guys win. I'm leaving." I walked out and closed the door.

He walked to the door and opened it. "Come on, Tits McGee! We were only messing with you! Come back, Lassie. Come back!"

I didn't bother answering. The brothers made it clear that I'm not welcomed here.

While I was busy running away from home, the brothers would meet issues with my disappearance act. I would learn this later.



"Who are you yelling at?" I asked.

"Maggie." Nolan shrugged.

"Why did she leave?" Asked Nixon.

"Because she left."

Nixon and I glanced at each other. "What do you mean she left?" I asked.

"Well, she was carrying bags and left. What do you think I mean when I say she left?" He rolled his eyes at me.

My brothers and I ran up to my room, finding Maggie's stuff gone. I started pacing, running my hand through my hair. "Damn it."

"So, she left?" Noah asked.

"No, she's here but invisible. Yeah, she left!" I spoke.

"Ma and Dad will kill us," Nixon said.

"No shit, Sherlock! We need to find her before they get home," I said.

"Boys, we're home!" Ma said.

We glanced at each other with wide eyes. "Nolan!" We raced downstairs to find our parents with Nolan.

"Boys, where's Maggie?" Ma asked.

"Funny story," Nolan said until I silenced him with his hand.

"Um, we have to go pick her up from her friend's house," I said.

We dragged Nolan out of the house, saying bye to our parents.

If we didn't find Maggie and bring her back before our parents learned she had left, the shit would hit the fan. Good luck to us. We'll need it.

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