I like you; you like me; we're one big, happy family

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Ever since the apple orchard, it's been tense between Nash and me. We came out of our bedrooms. I glared at him.

"After you," he said.

"Oh, no, after you."

"Oh, no. I insist."







We faced each other at the breakfast table. The tension between us was palpable. No one said anything. Nixon sat next to Nash while I sat next to Noah.

"Nixon, pass me the syrup, please," I said even though the syrup was near Nash.

"Ask Nash since it's right by him." Nixon gestured at Nash while he ate.

"I don't want to ask Nash. I asked you," I spoke through gritted to him.

"Fine. Nash, pass Maggie the syrup," Nixon said.

I sat there, waiting.

Nash picked up the syrup bottle and tossed it to me, causing it to hit my plate and my plate to fall into my lap. "Oops." He snickered.

I let out a frustrated sigh, picked up my plate off my lap, and set it on the table. I scraped my pancakes off my lap and put them onto my plate.

"Noah, pass me the butter," Nash said.

"Ask Maggie," Noah said while continuing to eat.

"I asked you."

Noah shrugged. "Give Nash the butter, Maggie."

"Sure thing." I picked up the butter, threw it at Nash, and hit his chest. "Oops, I'm such a terrible shot." I smirked, enjoying the butter smacking him.

He cleaned the butter off him. That's all it took before we threw food at each other, causing the others to take cover or get out of the way.

We ceased fire. "You know what?" He leaned on the table with his palms.

"What?" I leaned on the table with my palms, coming face to face with him.

"You're a temperamental, little girl!"

"Well, you're a jerk!"

"And you're a brat!"

"Well, you're a tool!"

"Oh, yeah?"


"Well, this tool wants to kiss you!"

"Well, why don't you?"

He placed his hand on my head and pulled my lips to his as he kissed me, taking me by surprise. I tensed as he kissed me. Then I relaxed, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him.

"Told ya," Pat told Nate.

Nate rolled his eyes.

He pulled back. "I like you."

"Well, I hate you."

"I don't care because I want to kiss you again." He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me again.

"You hate him, he likes you, and we're one big happy family. Thanks for ruining our breakfast, you twits," Nixon said.

We stop to glance at him.

Pat sent us upstairs to clean up while they cleaned up the kitchen. The brothers weren't happy about having to clean up our mess. Oh, well, they'll get over it. After taking a shower and changing my clothes, I came out of the bathroom.

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