This sucks

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I needed to stay somewhere else, and I thought about my garage. The renters might have an issue with a stranger staying in the garage. I made my way to a bench, took a seat, and set my bags down. I dug through my purse, trying to find money, then found cash. I collected whatever cash I had.

After collecting every single piece of cash, I counted it. I had eleven dollars, which would get me food. A hotel room was out of the question. I sighed, rubbing my forehead. My stomach started growling, and I decided on nutrition. I stood up and grabbed my bags.

I walked, finding a mom and pop's restaurant. I walked in, sat in a booth, and set my bags by me. I pulled a menu from a holder and flipped through it. I decided what I wanted when a voice asked me, "What can I get for you?"

I noticed Bryson holding a notepad and pen. My eyes widened. "C-coffee."

He arched an eyebrow and wrote down my order. "Is there anything else?"

"Um, um." I didn't know what to say. Bryson stood there, waiting. "Um, can I have a turkey sandwich, too?"

He scribbled on his pad and walked away. That couldn't have gone any worse. Coffee and a turkey sandwich? Who the hell orders that combo? No wonder he was giving me a weird look.

I sat there. A few minutes later, Bryson returned with my food and drink, placing them in front of me.

"Anything else?"

"Can I have a Coke instead of a coffee?" I gave him a sheepish expression.

He smiled at me. "Sure. It surprised me that you ordered a coffee."

"Lack of judgment." I shrugged.

He chuckled as I smiled. He took my coffee and exchanged it for a Coke. I sat there, eating my sandwich, as I watched Bryson. He flitted from booth to booth, waiting on tables. At one point, he glanced at me and winked. My cheeks warmed.

After eating and drinking my Coke, I sat there. I was trying to hold off leaving until I had no choice. The diner was closing. I grabbed my stuff and left. Bryson was locking up when he noticed me. He walked over to me. "Are you going somewhere?"

I glanced at my bags. "Oh, these? I'm going to my friend's place."

"Aren't you staying with the Grays?"

"Well, I was, but Nash came home. So, they don't have the room. My friend offered for me to stay with them." I plastered a fake smile upon my face. He gave me a strange glance but shrugged.

"Well, catch you later, Coke and a turkey sandwich."

I stood there as he walked away. Did he call me by my order? I knew everything about this guy, and he called me by my order. Perfect. Bryson won't remember me, and I doubt he even cares. Well, this sucks.

Okay, well, my crush doesn't know I exist. The brothers chased me out of the place I was staying. I'm getting short on cash. I can't stay with Marcy or Kat since they don't have the room either. Thanks, parental units, for dumping me and having your vacation.

As I contemplated my pathetic existence, I would learn a valuable detail about the Gray brothers.



I drove, searching for Maggie as the sky turned dark.

"Where the hell would she go? It's not like she has many options," Nixon said.

"How the hell should I know? It's not like I know that much about her," I said.

"Who cares? Isn't this what we wanted?" Nathan asked.

I skidded to a stop and threw the car into the park. Nixon and I turned to him. "Listen, you panty wise. We were having fun. I never meant for her to leave," I said.

"Is it my fault that she can't take a joke? No, it's not." Nathan glared at me.

"That's not the point," Nixon said.

"Then explain the point because I'm sure we'll piss off Ma and Dad when they find out," Noah said.

"The point is, she's a major pain in the ass. She's creepy and always staring with those big blue eyes that sparkle when the light hits them a specific way," Nixon said. He noticed us giving him strange expressions. "What? Don't tell me you haven't noticed her eyes? Yeah, I thought so." He turned around and shrunk into his seat.

I looked straight ahead and started driving. "Or her hair that smells like coconuts."

"Or her stupid perfect white teeth," Noah said.

"Or her annoying beautiful laugh," Nathan said.

"Or her perfect......." Nolan said.

I slammed on the brakes as Nathan and Noah smacked Nolan.

"Nolan, you're such a perv," Nixon said.

Nolan shrugged. I drove around until I found Maggie sitting on a bench with her bags. She had her chin in her hand while sitting there.

I pulled up and parked the car. "Stay here." I walked towards her with my hands shoved into my jean pockets.

Maggie sighed as I stood in front of her. "Don't worry. I'm not coming back. I'm trying to figure out a place to stay."

I gazed at her.

"You can leave. I'm sure you wouldn't want to leave your precious bed cold."

"Are you always this bitchy, or is that your charming personality?" My deep voice surprised her.

She crossed her arms. "Are you always a dickless asshole?"

"Get in the car."

She peered around me to find my brothers waving at her with smirks. Then back at me. "I would rather get smacked in the face with a dead fish than get into a car with your brothers." She pointed past me.

"Stop being a pain in the ass. Get in the damn car!"









"Yes. Wait. What?"

I waved my brothers out of the car. They walked up, grabbed her bags, and carried them to the vehicle.

"Wait! I didn't agree to this!" She gestured at them while stomping her foot.

"Sure, you did."

She didn't respond until I tossed her over my shoulder and carried her to the car. I handed her to Nixon, who shoved Maggie into the car. She kicked Nixon.

"Ow! Quit it!" Nixon said.

"Get your hands off of me!" Maggie spoke.

"Nash, can we put a gag on her and tie her wrists and ankles?" Nixon asked.

We looked at each other. Maggie gulped. Yep, we gagged her, then tied her wrists and ankles.

"Much better," Nixon said with relief.

Maggie shot Nixon a glare as I laughed. 

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