Fall festival carnival

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After Homecoming, the Grays were right. Bryson didn't look as hot as I thought he did. A broken nose and two black eyes will do that for you. His girlfriend looked rough. Did I feel bad for them? Nope, not one bit.

People forgot what happened to me at Homecoming. Bryson showed up at school, resembling Frankenstein's monster. Well, he has a good Halloween costume. He didn't need makeup.

I looked at posters plastered around the school about the fall festival carnival. I always go with my friends since there isn't much to do here. We took a moment to have fun. As I studied the poster, someone said, "Oh, great, another carnival." I turned and glimpsed Nixon standing next to me.

"You're not going?"

He snorted. "Oh, hell no! You won't catch me dead there."

Kat and Marcy walked up. "We won't catch you dead where?" Kat asked.

"Oh, Nixon considers carnivals beneath him," I said.

"Oh? I love them."

"A person can change their mind," he said with a slight smile.

I giggled at how he changed his tune with Kat.

"Are you going?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Cool. I'll catch you there. We must head to class before we're late. Later, Mags. Later, Nixon."

"Later, Kat." I turned to Nixon. "So much for not going."

"Oh, shut up." Nixon walked past me.

I laughed. It was amusing to watch Nixon turn to Jell-o around Kat.



"A carnival? Those things are lame," Nathan said.

"Well, too bad. You're going," I told the boys.

"But Ma!" The boys said.

"No. We don't do anything as a family. With Nash home, I want to spend time with my family."

Maggie came into the kitchen.

"It's your fault," Nathan said.

Maggie stopped. "What's my fault?"

"Because of you, we have to go to that stupid carnival," Noah said.

"Okay, first, I didn't even know you were going. Second, my friends and I go every year," Maggie said.

"Pft, whatever," Noah said.

Maggie and Noah argued.

Nash came into the kitchen. "Why are you two fighting?"

"Well, thanks to Maggie. We're going to the carnival," Nolan said.

"What's wrong with a carnival?" Nash asked.

"They're lame," Nathan said.

"You're lame, but we're not complaining about you, are we?"

Nathan shut up.

It didn't matter how much they whined and complained. The boys were still attending.



At the carnival, I hung out with my friends. Well, that was until Nixon stole Kat away from me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. The twins grumbled until Marcy and Macey asked them if they wanted to ride the rides with them. They changed their tune. Then there was one.

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