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People say heartbreak comes in many forms. My heartbreak came at the expense of humiliation. If someone doesn't like a person, let them down gently. Don't humiliate them to the point of no return. It's so not cool.

My friends tried calling me. I refused to answer their calls. The brothers tried to talk to me, but I refused to speak to them. I didn't need to feel any worse than I did.

Someone tapped on my door.

"Go away, Nash!"

"It's not Nash, sweetie. It's Pat. Can I come in?"

I sighed and answered the door. Pat stood in my doorway, waving her hand to her side. Her head turned to the side as I stared at her. Then she gave me an innocent smile.

"Let me guess. The brothers put you up to this."

"I don't know what you mean."


"Fine. Come in. Only you, not the boys."

I heard a collective aww.

She walked into my bedroom. I closed the door, sat down on my bed, and grabbed a pillow while hugging it.

She took a seat next to me. "Maggie, please talk to me."

"What do you want to say, Pat? I liked a guy for four years, and he detests me. Or that he humiliated me last night. Take your pick."

"Maggie, the boy you liked wasn't the boy for you."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because we see things that you don't. Think about it. We ignore the terrible traits when we like someone, focusing on the good. Sometimes, we focus on those things and ignore what is right in front of us."

"What do you mean?"

"Nate and I didn't always get along. We hated each other at one point."

"But you guys are the perfect couple."

"Well, we didn't start that way. We were neighbors, and he has two brothers. Nate is the oldest of seven years. I grew up with one older brother and his friends. So, I dealt with more testosterone than estrogen."

"I didn't know that."

"Yep, Nate and his brothers used to pick on me as big brothers would do to their little sisters. I hated them." She spoke in a throaty tone.

I laughed at her exasperation.

"But then, one day, it changed."

"What happened?"

"Well, I liked this boy. I thought he was my dream guy and tried to talk to him. It didn't go well. He degraded Nate and his brothers, with me taking exception. Our interaction got heated, and I ended up on the receiving end. Well, Nate found out. When Nate and his brothers got done, the guy regretted his decision."

"He didn't?"

She nodded. "Oh, he did. Nate gave him a free nose job several times. We talked, getting to know each other. After I turned eighteen, he asked me out. He wanted to wait so that it wasn't weird. It scared him."

"It didn't scare me!" A voice said through the door.

"Oh, hush!"

"Well, woman! If you tell a story, then tell it right!"

"I am! Now pipe down!"

They made me laugh.

Then Nixon said, "Hey. Ask them if they want ice cream."

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