You're a tool

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After the weekend Nash and I had together, I couldn't stop thinking about it. My thoughts had gotten me all hot and bothered. I had to wonder if everyone had experienced their hormones raging. I needed a cold shower.

I started the shower and changed my mind about a cold shower after the water hit my skin. Yeah, a cold shower was a big fat no. I climbed into the tub as the water cascaded all over my body. The door opened and closed with the lock clicking. What the hell?

Someone let their clothes fall to the floor while opening the shower curtain and stepping inside the shower. I turned around and flinched. Nash stood in the tub in his full glory.

I smacked him. "You scare the crap out of me!"

Nash placed his hands on my waist, pulled me to him, and gave me a deep kiss. He grabbed my butt and squeezed as a soft moan escaped my lips. He trailed kisses to my ear. "We'll continue this later."

I arched a brow as Nash smirked, and I groaned. He was a tease.

We washed up, and he kissed me. We finished showering and dried off.

"I'll pick you up after school."


Nash pulled on his clothes as I got dressed. He kissed me and left the bathroom. I finished getting ready for school.

After breakfast, the brothers and I made our way to school. I got my books out of my locker.

"Oh, look, we have the girl with an undying love for someone she'll never get."

I glanced at Bryson and Tiffany. "You're such a tool." I shook my head while rolling my eyes and turned back to my locker.

"What did you say?"

"I said that you're a tool."

As I turned my head, Bryson's fist collided with my face. I fell to the ground while groaning.

"You should keep your mouth shut. Next time, I won't take it so easy on you." Bryson and Tiffany walked away.

I held my nose while groaning. I noticed blood and needed to get to the bathroom. When I tried to stand, I fell. The punch threw off my equilibrium. I crawled to my locker, trying to get to my phone.

Then someone said, "Jesus! Maggie!"

I saw two fuzzy people.

"Stay here. I'll get Nix," a shaky voice said.

The person must have been Nolan.

I grabbed my jacket and placed it on my face. Why won't the bleeding stop?


People rushed to me.

"Come on. You need help." The person helped me.

Another person said, "Call Nash."


I sat in the emergency room while the doctor helped me. The doctor got the bleeding to stop and x-rayed my nose. Yep, Bryson broke my nose. My head throbbed as my eyes turned black.

"Sir! You can't go back there!" A nurse said.

"Like hell, I can't!"

I sat on the bed with the doctor standing next to it.

Nash walked up. "Jesus!"

"Here are two prescriptions. One is for pain. The other is an antibiotic. I want you to take them as soon as possible," the doctor said.

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