Drunken Antics

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After discovering that Bryson and Tiffany caused the mess, I visited Bryson. I leaned against the wall when Bryson came strolling out of a store.

"That was a neat little stunt you pulled back there on Halloween, trying to embarrass my brothers. Then letting Maggie take the fall." My deep voice caught Bryson off guard.

Bryson stopped. "I don't know what you mean."

I stood up and walked over to him. "You don't know what I mean, you tool. How dumb do you think I am?"


"It's funny. I don't know what Mags saw in you. You're a weasel who prefers to humiliate others to make themselves feel better."

"What are you going to do? Beat me up."

"Nope. I'll let big brother handle you." I pointed at Mike, Bryson's older brother and Sarah's fiancé.

"Bryson, you little shit! Why are you giving this poor girl a tough time?"

"Come on, Mike."

"Don't come on, me. That was low, even for you. Now get home. Mom and Dad want a word with you."

Bryson walked away in a huff.

"Damn, kids. They assume they know more than us," Mike said.

"Tell me about it."

"Hey, Sarah still wants to have dinner."

"Tell Sarah sometime next week. I'll talk to Mags about it."

"Sounds good. Don't forget. You're getting an invitation to the wedding." Mike walked away.

"Can't wait!"



I was lying on my bed, reading when Nash plopped next to me.

"Where were you?" I looked up from my book.

"I had business to take care of with Nix. What are you doing?"

I held up the book. "Reading."

"Well, I can figure out better things to do." He crawled over to me, pulling me to him. The brothers shouted in the hallway.

"What are those yahoos yelling about now?"

"Your brothers have been yelling the entire day."

He opened the door to find his brothers arguing.

"You're not going, Nolan!" Nixon said.

"Why not?"

"Because it's a high school party!"

"Yeah, and I'm in high school. What's your point?"

"Because none of us are going, that's my point!"

"Well, you're not in charge!"

"Listen, dipwad. You're not going," Nathan said.

"Who will stop me?"

"He will." Noah pointed at Nash, who stood next to Nixon.

"Come on, Nash," Nolan said.

"Ma and Dad left me in charge while they're away. No one is going to any parties. Period," Nash said.

"Fine! Can I go to Charlie's house?"

"As long as it's Charlie's house and not a party. Trust me. I'll check on you."

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