Sneaking in

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"How will we get past Ma and Dad with her bound and gagged along with her stuff?" Noah asked his brothers.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Nash asked Nixon

"Oh, yeah," Nixon said.

What is these twits planning?

"What?" Nolan asked.

They smiled. "Little brother, you're getting a lesson in the birds and the bees," Nash said.

"Why would I want that?"

"Cause if you don't, we'll tell Ma about your stash of Playboys," Nixon said.

"Pft, big deal. Ma already knows."

"Does she know why her Victoria's Secret catalogs keep disappearing?"

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would." Nixon smirked.

"Fine, but you guys are real dicks." Nolan got out of the car. There's nothing like blackmail between brothers to show that you care. I must hand it to the Gray Brothers. They'll play dirty with others. It's nothing compared to what they do to each other.

Nolan knew more about sex than any fifteen-year-old. It's a miracle for him to agree. I didn't want to know what he did with his mom's Victoria's Secret catalogs or my bras.

"Nolan's talking to Ma and Dad in the living room. Nix will help me with Maggie. Noah and Nathan get her bags. We'll take her upstairs through the back way," Nash said.

They got out of the car. On our way inside, they stopped and checked to see how poor Nolan was fairing.

Pat and Nate were thinking about what they wanted to say. Nolan sat there, trying to act innocent. This kid was far from innocent.

"He'll kill us for making him sit through that conversation," Nixon said.

"Yeah, well, he deserves it. It'll teach him to keep himself in check," Nash said.

They carried me and my bags upstairs and took me to Nash's room. Noah and Nathan tossed my suitcases onto the floor, and Nash and Nixon tossed me onto the bed. Geez, they could have been gentler.

"Now, we'll untie you and remove your gag. You won't yell or scream. If you kick me, I'll tie you to the bedposts. Got it?" Nash asked me.

I nodded. I didn't want the brothers to tie me to Nash's bedposts or any bedposts.

They undid my ties and gag as I stared at them.

Nixon leaned into Nash. "I told you that it's creepy when she stares."

Nash shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Okay, it's time to set some ground rules."

"Ground rules? Ground rules!" I stood up. "What ground rules?" I started pacing while tapping my finger against my lips. Then I pointed to each of them, beginning with the twins. "You invade my privacy by reading my journal and going through my stuff." Next was Nixon. "You're rude to me every chance you get. You're more volatile than a girl on her monthly. And you." I stopped at Nash. "You kicked me out of your bedroom. You haven't been home for over a year. Oh, and let's not forget Nolan, the little pervert he is. But I need ground rules."

I sat in a huff. The brothers didn't want me here, and I didn't want to be here. Lucky for me, my loving parents dumped me here.

Nash took a seat next to me. "Okay, we have been a little rough on you."

My face snapped in his direction. "A little?"

"Okay, a lot. In our defense, it's not like we had a girl in the house except for Ma. So, it's new to us."

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