Senior Skip Day

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At school, the principal cautioned us about senior skip day. If we didn't show up, we wouldn't graduate. So, what did we do? We skipped. We're seniors, for crying out loud! It's a rite of passage for us.

We headed to Cedar Point for the day. No school, many rides, and junk food makes for an exciting and fun time. Nash, Nixon, Kat, Marcy, Macey, and I went.

We hit the park, running and getting to the best rides. Seniors filled Cedar Point. We didn't travel a billion years to get there.

After riding some rides for a few hours, we took a break to eat. We sat at a table and ate slices of pizza.

Nash said, "I've been thinking about what we had discussed."

"What's that? We had discussed many things."

"My future."

"Okay, I'm all ears." I grinned.

"I don't want to waste my life doing an office job. I want to be happy, so I'm going to school for art."

"That's great! I'm so excited for you. Did you tell your parents?"


"Nash! You need to tell them."

"What if they think the idea is stupid?"

"You say, Ma and Dad, I've decided not to waste my life while working an office job. I'll waste my life with my outstanding girlfriend at school while earning an art degree." I gave him a silly look.

He laughed. "Okay, on one condition."

"What's that?"

"You tell them." He got up and ran.

"Nash! That was a dirty trick!" I got up and ran after him.

After catching up with him, I jumped on his back. He looped his arms around my legs and gave me a piggyback.

We rode the roller coasters, then the spinning rides. We got off the Scrambler, found a garbage can, and tossed our cookies. Ugh, never eat, then go on a spinning ride.

We caught up with the others.

"It's weird not having Nathan and Noah here," Nixon said.

"Yeah, but we can't help it if they're not seniors yet," Nash said.

"Well, I wish your brothers were here," Marcy said.

"What will you do when you girls are in college, and the demon spawns are still in high school?" Nixon asked.

"Psh, commute," Macey said.

"Let me guess. The demon spawns tickle your fancy," Nixon said.

"Who says fancy?" Kat asked him.

"Fancy. Clit. It's the same thing." He shrugged.

"Um, no. You need to retake anatomy because you don't understand a girl's body."

"Well, I understand your body, now, don't I?" He gave her a coy look.

"That is questionable." Kat walked away.

"What do you mean that's questionable?" He chased after her.

"I see those two getting married," I told Nash while leaning into him.

"I do, too

I giggled.

"Come on. Let's go on the Ferris wheel." He held out his hand.

"Oh, no! I hate the Ferris wheel!"

"Since when? You rode the Ferris wheel at the carnival and didn't have any issues."

"Since forever. I didn't tell you."

"Trust me. You'll love this." Nash gave me a wink and a smile.

"Fine." I took his hand.

He dragged me to the Ferris wheel, which I was not too fond of. We got into one bucket. Once everyone was on, they started the ride. I buried my face into Nash as he chuckled. I'm glad he found amusement in my fear.

Then the ride stopped at the top. Oh, God, we'll die! Goodbye, cold, cruel world. It was nice knowing you. Wait a minute. I didn't even go to the prom or graduate yet. Well, this sucks.

"Mags, open your eyes."

I buried my face into his shirt. "No! We'll die."

"We won't die. Stop being so damn dramatic."

"Easy for you to say. But when we plunged to our death, and you were like, we won't die, I'll say I told you so."

"How will you say that if you're dead?"

"Good point. As a ghost, I'll say I told you."

"Will you shut up?" Nixon asked from the bucket below us.

"Why don't you bite me?" I asked.

"I don't bite anything that looks that bad."

"Your brother is something else. As I was saying, when we die, I'll come back and haunt you."

"Then, you'll miss the surprise I have for you."

Surprise? What surprise? I lifted my head, looking around until I saw it. In his fingers, he held a ring. I stared at it. It was white gold with pink diamonds. The sun hit it, making it sparkle like Edward from Twilight. Don't judge. Team Edward all the way.

I stared at it in awe.

"Mags, before you get any ideas, it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring."

I turned to him. Shock replaced fear.

"I wanted to give this ring to you, waiting for the right time. Mags, I want to give you the world. I promise to love you forever if you promise to do the same."

I didn't know what to say. Nash promised me so much. I thought about us as we grew up together. I had known Nash my entire life. He was the first boy I had liked before my crush on Bryson. So much had happened between us. I still couldn't believe we were together.

"Say something."

I touched his cheek and gave him a soft kiss while surprising him. "Yes."

A smile curled upon his lips after hearing the word escape my lips. It's a word with so much meaning for us. He took my hand, slid the ring onto my finger, and pulled me into a kiss. As we kissed, the Ferris wheel started.

Sometimes, you must face your fears to find happiness, or it'll destine you to listen to Nixon forever. Nash makes me happy. It's better than listening to Nixon. Trust me. It's never pretty.

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