The prodigal parents return

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Nate took the paperwork to an attorney friend. The paperwork had issues that we overlooked. Besides the money, there was the matter of the house. My parents sold other possessions, and part of the money was missing. Someone signed my name, dated the day of my birthday, on extra paperwork. It's illegal.

Gee, who could have that been?

The attorney sorted through my parents' mess. It left me in a holding pattern which was fine. It's not like I need the money now.



Someone did a quick tapping on the door.

I opened it. "Brian! Tricia! What are you doing here?"

"We came for our daughter," Brian said.

I glared at him. "The one you dumped here and disowned? That daughter?"

"That is none of your business, Nathaniel."

"Brian, when I have a teen girl whose parents throw her away, it becomes a part of my business. But I'll get Maggie." I went up the stairs.

The boys met me in the hallway when I raised my hand and shook my head. I knocked on the door, and Maggie opened it. I explained what was happening. We walked downstairs with the boys following us.



"Margaret!" My mother walked toward me and hugged me.

My arms dangle by my side. First, I hated when people called me Margaret, and my parents knew it.

"It's so good to see you, my darling." She acted loving towards me.

Second, my parents were not loving. They were cold. Affection was foreign to them.

"We came back for you."

They both faked a smile. Okay, this was the final straw. My parents never smiled and were never happy to see me. I was a thorn in their side. It was for show, and they knew it. Well, I did, too.

"That is nice."

"Aren't you happy to see us?" My father asked.

"The prodigal parents have returned! Isn't that fantastic?" I made a significant gesture with my arms.

The Grays tried not to laugh.

"That isn't a respectful way to act towards us, Margaret," my father spoke.

He tried to act authoritatively toward me.

"You have stayed with the Grays for far too long," my mother said.

I gave them both an unimpressed expression. "It's who I am. You would know that if you bother to give a shit about me! Oh, that's right! You dumped me on people who didn't want me here." The Grays protested, but I put my hand up. "But guess what? Can you guess? They decided, hey, this girl wasn't too bad and would rather have me stay than leave." I turned to the Grays. "Am I right?"

"Oh, yeah," the Grays said.

"Just checking," I said, then turned back to my parents. "Why are you here?"

"We told you. We came back for you," my father said.

"Bullshit! You not only dumped me but told Nate that you're done with me. You put my home up for sale on my birthday and never called once to check on me. So, I'll ask again and be honest." I crossed my arms and furrowed my brows.

My outburst shocked them, but I didn't care. My parents didn't deserve my respect.

"Well, we need you to sign papers," my mother said.

"What papers?"

"These." She reached into her bag and pulled out documents.

I snatched them from her and looked through them. "You're not serious."

"What is it?" Nate asked.

I shoved the papers at him.

He flipped through them, scanning them. "These are legal documents requesting Maggie to give you access to her trust," he said.

"What? Let me look at those." Nash took the papers from Nate as the others looked at them.

"The only reason you want access to my trust is that you're broke. Let me guess. You blew your money."

They fidgeted in their spot.

"Unbelievable!" I steamed.

Nate fumed and let loose on my parents. Boy, did he ever. I stepped back by the boys as Nate went off on them. He used every cuss word out there and more.

"Is that even possible?" Nathan asked Nixon.

"I don't even think that's legal," Nixon said.

"How many cuss words are there?" I asked Nash.

"More than I recognized."

"Who realized Dad had such colorful language?" Nolan smirked.

Nate almost threw an object at my parents during his tirade.

"Furthermore..." He added more colorful language to the mix.

When someone becomes furious, a tiny vein pops out of their forehead. Well, I'm sure Nate's vein would burst with his yelling. He stopped after a while.

"Well, I never!" My parents said.

"Yeah, and you never will again! Now get out of my damn house!"

They left as he slammed the door. He turned to me. "Maggie, you're an official member of this family. Those two people are the biggest tools I have ever met. For crying out loud, they are complete morons!" He walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry that your parents are tools," Nixon said.

I didn't know whether to laugh or thank him.

"What will you do with these papers?" Nash handed the papers back to me.

"Does anyone want to roast marshmallows?"

They smiled.


We made a fire with the papers and roasted marshmallows. I didn't even care about the money. My parents thought they could waltz into my life because of money. It wasn't comforting.

My parents were the most significant tools on the face of the planet. I was lucky enough to be born to them. FML.

As we roasted marshmallows, Nash said, "Do you want to leave this weekend? We'll get away from everything."

I thought about it. "I like that idea."

"Good, I have a place in mind." He smiled at me.

I wondered what he was thinking. I mean to be alone with Nash all weekend. One thing came to mind. Oh, boy. This weekend will be one that I'll never forget.

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