Chapter 13

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A week had passed since Lapis and I had that talk and everything has been going so great! Whenever Lapis lines us up to assign missions, she always lets me off the hook with an easy one. She even invited me to hang with her a couple of times this week - but the best part is all of the flirting. I can tell when someone is flirting, and from what I've seen, I don't think Lapis is even being subtle about it. There's also this other thing that drives me up the wall.

Lapis does this thing where whenever we walk past each other in the hall or something she purposely brushes her shoulder against mine, smirking at me. Every time it happens it makes me get this strange feeling. All of the blood rushes to my cheeks, my body feels numb, and my heart beats really fast. I also get this tingly feeling betw--SLAM! In my train of thought, I wasn't paying attention and ran into a Pearl carrying a bunch of papers. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU PEBBLE!" the Pearl shouted furiously in a cracky voice. "S-sorry.." I mutter, before speed-walking off.

I was walking on my way to get some food somewhere. Yes, I know that is 12:30 AM, but I got really hungry while working on the second drone I was assigned to. I walked down the halls and was about to open the double doors when I saw Jasper on the way out. I waved, but she just looked at me kind of funny, and turned her head, continuing to walk. I wondered what was wrong, and continued to think as I walked out of the building. Come to think of it - Jasper hasn't really talked to me all week. I guess I had been so distracted with Lapis that I forgot about Jasper. 

Maybe I should go say hi to her on my way back, I thought, crossing the street quickly. Okay, I'm not gonna lie - It was really creepy out here in the middle of the night, not to mention shady as fuck. Well, I brought my pocketknife just in case anyone tried anything. Suddenly, as if on cue, I heard the loud roar of motorcycles behind me, and I stopped in my tracks. The sound got louder, and I began to run as fast as I could, but a few seconds later, a motorcycle was driving right beside me. I didn't even bother to see who was on the bike, and I kept running, my lungs aching and my legs cramping.

Another bike then swerves on to the sidewalk I'm running on, forcing me to run into the street. Now both bikes are on either side of me, and I was still running, my lungs about to give out. I finally trip over my feet, and land face-first onto the dirty pavement. I slowly sat up, and saw that they were right in front of me, and the headlights temporarily blinded my eyesight. What frightened was that there were now four bikes there. I noticed the bikes were now sitting still, but the engines were still revving. 

After my eyes adjusted to the bright lights, I could then see the people on the bikes. A thin woman with a cigarette in between her lips sat in the front of the bike. I could also see a familiar short and chubby girl with long, lavender-colored hair sitting in the back of the same bike, her hand gripping a terrifying-looking black whip. On the second bike, there was a tall black woman with sunglasses and an afro. Finally, on the third bike, there was that other tall girl with the huge pink hair, only this time she had a little boy sitting in the back with her and he looked to be in his teenage years, maybe.

Oh my god - THESE ARE THE GUYS WHO KILLED MY MOM!!!! THE CRYSTAL GEMS!!!! I was panic-stricken by the sudden realization and I was terrified of the possibilities of what could happen to me tonight. The Pearl hopped off of the bike, and walked up to me slowly, shoving her hands in her jacket pockets. She looked down at me, and she stepped onto my chest, pushing me down on my back. I grunted in pain, and tried squirming out, but unfortunately, she was heavier than she looked - or I was just weak as hell.

The rest of the crystal gems, except for the little boy, hopped off of the bikes. "Hahaha! Look at her squirming!" the short one shouted, pointing at me with her stubby finger. "Keep your voice down, Amethyst! This is serious!" Pearl whisper-shouted. She's an Amethyst? But she's so....small. "Now, Rose. What shall we do with her?" Pearl then asked the tall pink-haired one. Rose stared at me for a moment, then looked back at Pearl. "She's the daughter of the Peridot assigned to the Yellow Diamond Authority. We killed her, so therefore, her role was passed down to her, probably to a different court, though...but she's still a homeworld gem. Take her out." Rose explained.

Wait....MY MOM WAS A GANG MEMBER?! SHE WAS A PERIDOT WORKING FOR YELLOW DIAMOND?! WHAT?! However, I had no time to think this through, because Pearl was now holding a gun to my head. I shook with terror, and was trying to think of any way out of this - but I couldn't come up with any. I then felt tears fill my eyes as I came to the dark realization that I was gonna die the same way my mother did, and I closed my eyes in defeat. My fists unclenched, and I took a deep breath. 

However, for the next minute or so, I felt nothing, and I wondered if I was dead yet. I slowly opened my eyes, and I then noticed Pearl's head was turned, looking at Rose and the little boy. Is that her son? The boy was crying and telling her mother something, and Rose's expression looked - heartbroken. Rose then looked at me then back at the boy. Pearl's gun remained pointed at me. 

"HEY!" a shout was heard from across the street. The crystal gems looked over toward the yell, me being unable to because I was afraid Pearl was gonna blow my brains out if I moved. There was dead silence. Next thing I know I see a Ruby charge Amethyst and knock her to the ground harshly. Pearl quickly pulls the gun away from my head and tries to shoot at the Ruby who was going for Rose next. There were now three Rubies fighting the crystal gems. Unfortunately for them, Pearl's aim was off, and she accidentally shot Rose instead of the Ruby. 

Blood-curdling screams come from both Steven and Pearl as Pearl dropped the gun in disbelief, hands gripping her now tear-reddened face. Everything was in slow motion as Rose fell backwards, her eyes wide and her expression blank as of now. She hit the ground with a loud thud, and the Rubies continued to throw punches at the tall black woman and Amethyst. 

I was frozen with fear, and for some reason I couldn't move from my place on the ground. After a few moments of Pearl sobbing, she then slowly looks over at me with a terrifyingly sinister expression on her face. I began to tremble, and I slowly climbed to my feet, getting ready to run. She then began running at me full speed screaming "THIS IS YOU'RE FAULT!!!" I ran backwards for a moment, resulting in my foot tripping over the other. I fell back onto my bottom, and I watched in terror as Pearl was charging me.

Lapis then comes into view, swinging her baseball bat full-speed into Pearl's head. The impact of Pearl's cranium echoed through the city, and Pearl falls over onto her stomach, blood beginning to drip from the back of her head. She tries to get back up, but Lapis then raises her bat over her head, and swings down, bashing it into her back. Pearl screeches in pain, and falls back down, staying down this time. I wondered why Pearl was bleeding, considering the fact that Lapis didn't hit her that hard. 

I then noticed that Lapis's baseball bat had BARBED WIRE on it! I sat there for a moment, staring at her bat, then up at her. She looked down at me with a concerned face. "Peridot....Are you okay?" I then smile and giggle in excitement at how much she cared about me. "Um..." I caught a blush forming on her face as she turned her head. She held out her hand and pulled me up to my feet. 

"Um....are they gonna be okay?" I asked, pointing to the Rubies still fighting Amethyst and the tall one. Lapis stares at them for a moment, then she looks in the direction of Rose, lying on the pavement dead. The little boy was crying and kneeling next to her. I was about to suggest that we go back to the building, but then I caught sight of a tear rolling down Lapis's cheek.

"Lapis? W-what's wrong?!" I ask, worried. She shut her eyes tightly, and she turns her head. "I'm sorry Steven..." I hear her whisper to herself as she continued to cry. After about 2 minutes, she wipes her tears away and looks over at the building. "Let's go. You should hang with me in my room for a while." Lapis states, and she starts to strut away toward the front, dusting herself off. 

I quickly follow behind her, wondering if she really is okay. Who's Steven....?

A/N: Wow, that took a long time to write but I hope you guys liked this chapter! Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and I will see you next time my dudes :D!!!!

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