Chapter 34

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A/N: The POVs are gonna be switching a little more than usual.

Lapis and I were standing in the main work room, awaiting Steven's release from Yellow's chambers. "How do you feel, Laz?" I asked, turning my head to her. Lapis hesitates, before responding, "Nervous...i-it's been a while...I'm kinda hoping that he just won't recognize me..." I gave her a sympathetic look, tilting my head. "You definitely have changed since then, but don't get your hopes up - I recognized that beautiful face right away..." I said, making her smile and blush. 

The door then suddenly creaked open, and out came two Jaspers holding both of Steven's arms. "Here you go, ma'am." one of the Jaspers muttered, and they released Steven's arms. Steven looked afraid of us, and I felt like saying something, but I kept my mouth shut. 

Steven's POV:

I stood before two gang members who looked like they shouldn't be messed with. I felt my legs tremble and I avoided eye contact with them, scared of what they might do next. The lady with the bright blue hair walked up to me slowly, and I only quivered more under her gaze. "Steven..." she said. She had a cold expression on her face, and she continued to stare at me with those icy gray-blue eyes...wait. 

Those eyes then began to fill with tears, and I raised an eyebrow, this time not avoiding eye contact. I deepened the stare, then I gasped in shock at my sudden realization. It can't be...can it?! Those eyes...that expression...that voice...I've seen and heard these tears then began to fill my eyes as well. "L-Lori...?" I muttered, looking up at her with hopeful eyes. 

Her expression softened and the tears in her eyes were now spilling down her cheeks. "Ta-da...?" she muttered in a cracky voice, raising her arms up, displaying herself. I then smiled the biggest smile I had ever expressed in a long time, and I dashed toward her with full speed. I crashed into her with a tight hug, and as she hugged back, my grip around her waist only grew tighter. "I thought you were dead!" I sobbed, tears rolling down my cheeks as well.

Lapis's POV:

It felt so good to have little Steven in my arms again - I missed that. "I'm so sorry, Steven..." I mumbled, burying my face into his curly hair. He then released from the hug and got a good look at me. "W-what happened, Lori? Y-you've been here the whole time?! Wh-why didn't you come back?!" Steven asked all at once, distress showing in his expression. "I....I didn't want you to see what I've become, Steven....this...gang leader" I said, looking down. 

"Lori! Mom and dad have been worried sick about you! M-mom's dead and dad finally gave up on searching for you...w-we thought you were killed!" Steven explained. "I know and I'm sorry! I couldn't come back because I didn't wanna put you guys in more danger..." I said. "Why would you put us in more danger?" Steven asked in a hurt voice. 

"If I quit, then the rest of the Diamond Authorities would've tracked me down, taken me back, and killed you guys..." I explained. " guys already killed mom...." Steven said, more tears filling his eyes. "I feel terrible, Steven...I shouldn't even deserve to see you again after what I've done..." I said, ashamed. "Lori...we love you so much! I mean, mom was apart of a gang! She could've protected you from being taken back!" he said. 

"I'm sorry..." I muttered one last time. There was silence for a moment, and Steven then took my hand into his. "I missed you, Lori. I don't even care what you've done - I'm just glad you're still alive..." Steven said, looking into my eyes. "What do you mean, me?! You're apart of the Crystal Gems now! I'm surprised you haven't died, Steven! I don't have enough power to stop the other diamonds from hurting you guys..." I explained, kneeling to his level.

Steven then stared at me for a while in silence, then he looked over at Peridot. "H-hi..." he said with a little wave.

Peridot's POV:

Steven waved at me, and I gave him a little smile, and waved back. "Oh! Steven this is my girlfriend, Peridot." Lapis said. Steven then walked up to me, and pridefully held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Peridot!" he stated enthusiastically. I shook his hand and giggled. "Nice to officially meet you too, Mr. Universe!" I said. "So, Lapis, what're you gonna do about him, now?" I asked.

"Lapis?" Steven asked, confused. "Oh, uh...I go by the name Lapis Lazuli now, Steven. It-it's a gang thing..." Lapis explained to the boy. Steven then nods his head in understanding. "GASP! LAPIS! You and Peridot should join the Crystal Gems!!!" Steven then shouted in excitement. 

"Oh! N-no way, Steven. I can't do that!" Lapis said quickly. "Why not?" the boy asked innocently. "I have a whole gang to run, Steven. If we join your gang, I might cause more problems with the diamonds than you already gang members have already tried to kill both me and Peridot more than once...and I don't think they'd be too thrilled to be living with us..." Lapis explained, putting her hands in her pocket.

Steven then looked down in disappointment, but then Lapis took his chin her hand, and she lifted his head up so his eyes would meet hers. "Please be safe, Steven. I'd actually ask to join my gang, but...that might make things more complicated..." Lapis said. Steven stared at her for a moment, then he reached into his pocket for something. He pulled a blue bow - the blue bow that I always saw Lapis wearing as a kid!

The bluenette's eyes widened as Steven held it out to her. She stared at it for a long time before taking it, and smiling. "I remember this..." she muttered. After examining it, she looked at Steven, then she put it back in his hand. "Keep it." she stated. "As a reminder..." she said, and the boy just smiled at her through teary eyes.

We then took him back to the Crystal Gems, no harm done. And by that I mean we kinda sorta dropped him off at the front of their house and dashed off before any of them could see us. Lapis was silent for the ride, and I had the urge to break the silence. "Was it nice seeing Steven again?" I asked. "Yeah...I'm glad I saw him...I might never see him again, though." Lapis said. "C'mon, Lapis. I'm almost positive you'll see him again in the future." I reassured her. 

"I sure hope so..." Lapis said, and we arrived back at our building.

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