chapter one

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"hey! get off him you mullet wearing asshole!"

i shouted across the hall. i watched as everyone turned to stare at me, henry bowers included.

he currently had eddie pinned up against a locker by his collar, eyebrows creased downwards in anger as he kept a firm grip on his shirt. i looked at eddie's face, grimacing at the blood dripping from his nose. his expression was one of pure fear, big brown eyes begging me to help.

seeing my best friend so scared and hurt only fuelled the rage bubbling up inside me.

"why what you gonna do, tozier?"

a sickening smirk played on his lips as he winked at me before punching eddie in the stomach, a pained yell coming from the smaller boy.

"oh i don't know, your mom maybe?"

a few people giggled at that, but bowers immediately switched characters.

he dropped eddie to the floor, and i saw as he backed up against the lockers and curled in on himself. watching in fear as bowers cracked his knuckles and neck dramatically and made his way towards me.

"what did you just say to me?"

i gulped loudly. i'd really fucked this one up.

"i s-said, your-"

in the corner of my eye, i saw eddie reach for his inhaler and unsteadily take multiple breaths from it before whistling loudly. this caused everyone's attention to turn back to him. he winced as he stood up against the lockers, still breathing worryingly fast.

"e-eat shit bowers!"

he screamed before throwing his inhaler at henry bowers himself and legging it down the corridor. bowers was taken aback by the impact of the plastic object hitting him in the forehead, so i took this chance to make my grand exit. i picked up eddies inhaler from the floor and stepped back a little, raising my hands to everyone and smirking.

"and so kids, the lesson here is that it's always important to take a breather"

everyone laughed as i saluted them all before swiftly turning on the spot and sprinting to catch up with eddie. the kid wasn't a fast runner so i was beside him in no time. he stopped once he saw me, bending over with his hands on his knees and panting heavily. i handed him his inhaler and smiled adoringly as he hungrily took breaths from it.

"t-thanks for, saving my ass 'n shit."

i laughed, trying to catch my breath myself as i slid down the wall, spreading my legs out infront of me dopily. eddie looked up and smiled at me, coming over and slumping himself beside me, our sides and legs pressed together as he rested his head on my shoulder. the action made me feel light, i felt my cheeks turn pink as a huge smile crossed my face.

"you could have gotten yourself killed, you know that right?"

he asked rhetorically. i laughed, sitting up a little.

"i wasn't just going to stand there and watch you get beat to a pulp now was i? and someone needed to show bowers he can't treat people like shit anyways."

eddie rolled his eyes and copied my actions.

"you see that's the thing, he can, and will. now he's going to be after you as well as me."

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