chapter twenty eight

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i bounced my leg up and down, sniffling quietly every few seconds as several lonesome tears trailed down my face.

the only sound to be heard was the gut wrenching screams of sonia kaspbrak.

"eddie! my baby! my poor poor baby! why?"

i rolled my eyes at the unnecessary scene she was making, feeling smug as i watched her get forcefully removed from the waiting area and taken into a separate room. however the smirk soon fell from my face, and i mentally slapped myself. who was i to talk? that was her son, her baby, and he could he gone. she had every right to be torn up about it, and i had none to look down on her for it. especially when it was my fault he was in this position.

i squeezed my eyes shut.

it's your fault all of this is your fault your fault richie your fault-

"edward kaspbrak?"

my eyes shot open.

"anybody here for edward kaspbrak?"

i stood up so fast i felt lightheaded, my legs almost giving way due to being numb and underused.

"i-i am!"

i called out desperately, earning a suspicious glance from the doctor who had spoken beforehand.

"and who are you? it's a family only policy."

my stomach fell out my ass and onto the floor at his words, sending my brain into overdrive. i needed to see eddie, i needed to make sure he was okay.


"i'm his twin brother."


the doctor raised his eyebrow at me accusingly, tapping his overpriced pen against the board he was holding.

"twin, brother?"

the emphasis put on 'twin' made it very clear that he didn't entirely believe me, but with an anxious nod from my end, he reluctantly allowed me to follow him down the corridor. i stayed quiet as i silently walked behind him, trying not to stare as we passed rushing trolleys carrying struggling patients and wheelchairs that held unfortunate beings. i didn't like this place.

the doctor stopped outside room 246 and sighed as he noted for a moment on his precious board.

"so, i understand that edward has attempted suicide through process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion in liquid, correct?"

i stared at the doctor blankly.

"he tried to drown himself."

he explained in a less technical term, rolling his eyes at my cluelessness. i swallowed uncomfortably and nodded.



"and were you there, at the scene?"


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