chapter thirty six

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"eddie, just breathe, okay? everything's okay. breathe with me, come on."

i held eddie by the shoulders gently and made sure to look him in the eye as his chest heaved worryingly. his pale face was distraught and aghast, panic lacing his every move.

as soon as the school had come into our view, his demeanour had changed from one of excitement to pure terror. memories of bloody noses and unforgiving stares had no doubt resurfaced all at once, leaving him unable to breathe at all.

we were now stood behind the school bike shed, and thankfully there was no one around to witness his breakdown. tears leaked from his fear stricken brown eyes as he tried to breathe normally. there was no point using his inhaler, we both knew this was a different situation.

"eddie, look at me. you're going to be okay."

he swallowed thickly, his lips trembling as he tried to form words and his shaky hands attempted to cover his tear stained face.

"n-n-no i-i'm no-t! th-ey're all g-gonna st-tare and la-ugh at-t m-me an-"

"no eddie, no."

i cut him off quickly, pulling him into my chest and letting him sob quietly into my t shirt. i stroked over his hair, swaying him gently. it always broke my heart to see him like this.

"no one is going to laugh at you, people will only stare because they'll have wondered where you've been. we all miss you eddie. it's okay baby, calm down. it's okay."

he sniffled and tightened his grip around my waist, snuggling against me. we stood like that until he was breathing properly again, a frail hiccup leaving his lips every so often. i pulled away a little and smiled down at him, planting a kiss on his forehead as i whispered in his ear.

"i am so proud of you, okay? you're going to be fine. i'm going to be with you all day and i won't let anyone hurt you. i promise."

he nodded hesitantly, wiping away at the blush dusted on his cheeks.

"o-okay. i think i'm okay now."

i grinned and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as i raised an eyebrow.

"you ready?"

he shot me a slight smirk, exhaling determinedly.

"now or never."


you know that feeling you get when you haven't seen someone for so long, and it almost seems as though you don't know them anymore?

yeah. me too.

beverly's hair was growing, and growing fast. last time i had seen her it had been the way it always had, the iconic pixie cut that framed her face so delicately. but now it was almost shoulder length, tucked behind her left ear to reveal a silver stud. it suited her, and i couldn't help but smile. ben had lost weight, but i couldn't exactly pin point where. his legs were still short and soft to look at, and his stomach still looked as though it would provide the perfect pillow, but he looked good. stan's hair was now a brilliant cloud of dark blonde curls, ringlets sprouting from every direction. however somehow it was still kept and tamed in a way only he would be able to achieve. jane had cut her hair to her shoulders, soft blonde curls being thrown back every time she opened her mouth to laugh at one of mike's jokes, revealing a braced smile. mike was taller, and so was bill.

they had all changed so much, and i felt stupid for not expecting it. of course they would be changing. their lives wouldn't suddenly stop at the absence of mine; everything would keep going.

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