chapter fourteen

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i took a deep breath in as i walked through the gates of derry high.

i was about to see my friends for the first time since saturday.

richie was already beside me, having walked me to school as usual, and i was having to stop myself from grabbing his hand and squeezing it with all i had in me. but we were in public, and would surely get lynched if anyone that was even associated with henry bowers saw.

i scanned the area for the familiar faces of my peers, only to spot them crowded round a small round table. i took a deep breath in and richie smiled at me reassuringly as we walked over.

"hey, it'll be okay."

he said quietly. i nodded, not so convinced. i wasn't scared as such, more embarrassed than anything. they'd all seen what happened, and they would probably view me differently now. weak, sick, a freak.

"hey guys!"

richie joined in their conversation and sat down inbetween ben and bill, motioning for me to come over. i hesitantly sat next to bill, staring at the chipped and damp wood of the table as i waved shyly at everyone. they'd all gone quiet, no doubt because of my arrival. i think richie sensed my discomfort, as he tried his best to start a new topic of conversation.

"did you guys hear about betty ripson?"

everyone perked up at the mention of one of the most popular girls in our year, someone ben had gone after back in 3rd grade as he'd kindly shared with us.

"apparently she was caught making out with tristan coilers in the janitors closet."

ben's eyes widened along with everyone else's, apart from stan, who just looked disgusted. i kept my eyes downcast, feeling awkward and out of place. it was like i wasn't even there, not that i wanted to be the centre of attention, but no one had said a word to me. did i do something wrong? did they not want to be my friends anymore?


i snapped my head towards richie to see him looking concerned, i then realised that it was now just us sat around the table.

"w-where'd everyone go?"

he furrowed his eyebrows at my question, scratching the top of his head.

"the bell went like two minutes ago, you wouldn't respond when i said your name. you okay?"

shit. i'd zoned out.

"sorry, yeah, yeah. we should go or we'll get tardies."

i could tell richie wanted to question me further but was unable to as i'd already began speedwalking to the school doors, eager to avoid any regrettable answers.


"n-no! i'm right, you're wrong!"

screeched bill defiantly, making stan roll his eyes in annoyance. it was second break now, and everyone seemed to have gone back to normal.

well, normal for us at least.

"how the fuck could anyone, even nasa, fake something as huge as the moon landing?"

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