chapter seven

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i was woken up the next morning by an oddly familiar pounding on my bedroom door. i sat up and rubbed at my eyes, confused. my mom didn't knock, and there was only a handful of people it could be. but this knock was special, meaning it had to be-

"hey! spaghetti head! wake the fuck up and open the goddamn door before i get bored and make myself your new stepdad!"

i shook my head, smiling almost. of course it was richie. i got out of bed and stumbled over to the door to unlock it, still half asleep and unaware of my surroundings. what day was it again? i opened the door, jumping out of my skin when i was engulfed by two lanky pale arms.

"i missed ya ed's!"

richie cried, pulling away and grinning at me.

"where were you? school was so fucking boring without you there, and i had no one to copy off in english! i had to do actual work!"

i scoffed, lifting up my hand to rub at my eyes.

"sorry, i had a cold so obviously my mom didn't let me-"

"dude! what happened to your arm?"


oh fuck.

i'd completely forgotten about my arm and what i'd done. god i was so fucking stupid, thank fuck i'd covered it up.

"uh-i-nothing, i don't-"

i tugged at the ends of the white cloth, making sure richie wouldn't catch a glimpse of anything that lay underneath.

"i hurt it. fell."

he stared at my arm for a moment before pushing up his glasses and looking back at me.

"huh, well are you coming to school today? that's why i'm over here so early, just incase you were thinking about ditching me again."

i looked behind me and over richie's head as if my mom was lurking in a corner somewhere when i knew for a fact she'd come and check on me as soon as she woke up.

"i'll have to hurry or my mom might wake up."

i bit my lip, realising i didn't really have much time at all.

"hey, just go in what you're dressed as now. no one will care, you always look like this."

richie suggested, motioning to my outfit that i'd been wearing the day before but had not had the motivation to change out of.

"are you serious? i can't wear this! i-it's not clean and-"

"eddie bear?"

i stopped as i heard my mom speak up from the bedroom next to mine. richie's eyes widened as i muttered a "shit" underneath my breath. without warning, richie had grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway, i smartly grabbed my shoes and bag on my way. we ran straight through the door and half way down the street, my socked feet aching.


i stopped to catch my breath, turning around to see eddie a few feet behind me, slipping his tiny feet into his trainers. he caught up and scowled at me.

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