chapter seventeen

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"so, how does it feel being fifteen rich?"

asked mike whilst patting me on the back. he and beverly were both already fifteen, making them the eldest out of all of us.

"you know, funnily enough, it's not much different to being fourteen."

i replied in a smartass tone, smirking slightly as i continued speaking.

"the only difference is that i'm a year closer to being legal, not that that stopped me from fucking eddie's mom anyway."

i "ooo'd" over-dramatically at my own joke as i turned to stan, who was on my left, and held up my hand, signalling that i wanted a high five of appreciation. however stan simply sighed and rolled his eyes, grabbing my hand and pulling it down so it flopped lazily into my side.

"that's gross!"

exclaimed eddie, pulling a face of disgust at my sexual joke. i laughed at the way his button nose crinkled up and his eyes squinted in a repulsed manner, making him look like a disgruntled kindergartener.

i cooed over him as if he were a toddler, ruffling his hair and laughing as he swatted my hands away, much to his annoyance.

"i'm only joking ed's, don't bite me."

i pinched his cheek lightly, only to be somewhat surprised at the heat radiating from it. i noticed him frown at my shocked facial expression, no doubt wondering what caused my sudden mood change.

"holy shit eddie."

i moved my hands so they were both placed against either of his cheeks, and then moved my left hand up to his forehead. he was boiling.

"you're fucking melting! i mean you are a hottie but sheesh, you're practically on fire!"

eddie blushed furiously, adjusting his shirt collar as his face grew even warmer, if that was possible. for the first time that day, i took note of what he was wearing; light blue jeans and a woollen beige jumper, his salmon pink shirt collar sticking out from underneath. no wonder he was so warm, he was dressed for england.

"i'm not that warm."

he mumbled embarrassedly, directing his stare down to his small shoes as he chewed on his lip.

"are you kidding? you're like a thousand degrees, take off your jumper."

i tugged lightly at the end of his jumper, motioning for him to take it off, but he shook his head softly.

"no thankyou."

he almost whispered, sullen and with obvious discomfort and sadness in his tone. i frowned, worry immediately clawing its way up my throat and escaping through my mouth in the form of unspoken concern.

i noticed the way everyone on the table seemed to share glances with eachother, knowing glances. they were all suspicious, and rightfully so. their eyes all seemed to land on me, as if it was my responsibility to confront eddie about the matter and the reason as to why he wouldn't take his jumper off. i sucked in my bottom lip, an uneasy feeling growing in my stomach.

"why not? you're going to overheat, ed's."

i asked innocently, seeing his throat move uncomfortably as he swallowed down his thoughts.

"i just, don't want to."

he refused to look me in the eye, and it only confirmed our suspicions more. everyone was sharing affirmative looks, ones that said he's lying.

"you must want to if you're that warm, why don't you just take it off? no one cares if your shirt is pink, ed's."

i teased jokingly, pulling at his jumper sleeve. i prayed that that was enough, that eddie would ponder the thought for a moment before deciding that i was right, admitting that his insecurity about his love for the feminine colour was what he was afraid of before pulling off the thick piece of clothing to reveal short, tanned, unmarked arms.

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