chapter thirty

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as i plummeted onto the grass below, several sickening cracks could be heard as my body ungenerously made contact with the ground.


i screamed, my head pounding unbearably as my elbow throbbed with excessive heat. i laid unmoving at first, allowing the pain to sink in and overwhelm me entirely. i let myself feel the way the bones in my arm seemed to grind together horribly and the way my vision blurred and everything before me doubled.

i slowly lifted my legs upwards, crying out as my sore joints were strained harshly. my neck was stiff as i turned it to my left, only to see my glasses strewn beside me; one of the lenses having cracked.

i groaned ungraciously, weakly reaching out and placing my broken glasses on my broken face. i blinked twice, appreciating the way the action seemed to focus my eyes if only a little.

"god damnit."

i muttered, lifting myself up shakily as i grimaced at the pain. i stood up still for a second, regaining my balance before taking a few steps forward. i wobbled and felt myself lose stance but quickly caught it back by leaning against the brick wall of my house.

i coughed throatily, the pain in my elbow seeming to intensify by the second. despite my injuries, i grit my teeth and began to walk. i had a slight limp, and my arm was most definitely not in the best of conditions, but that didn't matter. the only thing that mattered was that eddie's house was four blocks away, and that he was inside it.

i noticed straight away that his mom's car was in the driveway, and i knew for definite there was no way on this earth i would be allowed to see eddie. infact, i was almost certain that if i were to knock, i would only acquire more injuries.

i carefully made my way round the back of his house, hardly hesitating at all before knocking on his window with worn knuckles.

i waited a minute or so, before knocking again.

no response.

i sighed and allowed myself to sit on the protruding ledge of his window, resting my head against the wall as i closed my eyes. i knew eddie was in his room, he hardly ever left it. that led me to conclude that he was ignoring me, and the hurt it caused was almost comparable to the hurt in my elbow. i stayed still for several minutes at least, before knocking again. this time, i heard a loud huff from the other side, and a muffled;

"whoever it is, go away!"

i smiled bitterly at his fiery tone, one i hadn't heard in too long. i attempted to call out, but my voice wasn't able to manage it. i felt myself grow weaker by the second, my head spinning in circles as i began to slip away from reality itself. i knocked again, but the sound was far away and distant. i knocked and i knocked, willing eddie to have a change of heart and answer. minutes passed, and it somehow started to feel like i didn't exist at all.

"what the fuck do you want?"

i snapped back into the real world, my own droopy eyes meeting eddie's raged ones through the open window. his demeanour faltered slightly as he took in my state; unwashed hair, dirtied clothes, cuts and bruises blossoming in questionable places. the glint in his eyes morphed into a more questioning one as he scanned every flaw upon me he could find.

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