chapter thirty one

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i squeaked, having just spilled lukewarm hot chocolate all down myself. i felt the liquid soak into the mattress beneath me, and i mentally pacepalmed.

"edward! watch your language!"

i heard my mom exclaim from the kitchen.

"sorry momma!"

i sighed in defeat, staring at the small pools of chocolate milk that had formed in the creases of my damp t-shirt.

i discarded the wet item of clothing and replaced it with another ridiculously strong soap smelling shirt, shivering as the cold sunk its teeth into my shoulders. i brushed any dust from my front and sighed quietly.

and then i stopped.

i trailed my fingers down the baby blue fabric covering my chest, faint stains from overwear evident in certain patches of the material. my fingertips ghosted the label at the bottom of the shirt, a faded name peeking out from under the hem.

richard tozier

i inhaled deeply, gently pulling the sleeves over my hands as i slumped onto my bed, my heart feeling as though as it was floating in my chest.

it felt as though forever had passed since richie had given me this shirt, perhaps because memories of such a time were buried deep beneath the rubble inside my mind. i smiled lightly, tears dribbling freely down my cheeks. god did i miss him, my friends. i even missed school.

but i hadn't seen any of them in weeks.

nor had i been to school; my mom refused to let me go until i was 'cured'.

i angrily wiped at my wet cheeks, exhaling loudly and shaking my head away of any thoughts.

i hated richie tozier.

he left me when i needed him, and i hated him for it,

and that was that.

my watch beeped unexpectedly, causing my mind to blank and my eyes to fix themselves on the time displayed.

21:00 pm

i furrowed my eyebrows in distaste, knowing it was time to take my pills.

but as i moved to the bathroom, the glint of my bedroom lamp reflecting off my window seemed to catch my eye. i stared longingly at the trees swaying steadily outside my house, a soft evening breeze swiftly pulling them closer and pushing them further apart. i just wanted to be a part of that; unrecognised, but content.

i'd like to believe i thought it through completely, but truth be told, climbing through my bedroom window two hours past curfew with nothing but a long sleeved shirt and pyjama pants on was nothing but impulse.

as soon as the harsh winds hit my skin i began shivering uncontrollably, my teeth chattering as my hair was blown in every direction. i ran as well as someone could possibly run in slippers, only coming to a stop once i knew i was well past my house. i may have become terrible at making rational decisions, but that did not mean i wanted to be caught for them.

as i stood still and alone in the middle of a street, i began to wonder why i was there at all.

i didn't have anything to do, it was cold, and if my mom found out i was outdoors so late she'd have bars attached to my window.

yet part of me was insisting that i carry on.

so i began to wander aimlessly, feeling as though i were a ghost, haunting a sleeping town. the victims were unsuspecting, and i liked that. it was beginning to get dark, so no one was about, the streetlights illuminating the ghost town i walked amongst. i was truly invisible.

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