chapter three

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trigger warning


"guys, i don't think this is a good idea."

i turned to see eddie carefully walking along the small step stones poking through the water, his eyebrows furrowed in worry as he concentrated on not falling.

"there could be all sorts of shit down here, infact i'm pretty sure this is greywater, do you guys know what that me-"

"oh shut the fuck up will you eddie? you're so annoying, give it a break."

said stan, irritated. i frowned as i saw eddie's face drop and his cheeks burn red, clearly taken aback and upset. knowing that it was stan's fault that eddie was so saddened made me want to punch him. really hard.

"why don't you shut the fuck up you fuckin' jew!"

i said boldly, making everyone turn to stare at me in shock at the sudden outburst. even i was surprised at my own words, not knowing where they'd come from or why i let them leave my mouth.

i turned to eddie, he just stared at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"jesus christ richie, calm the fuck down. i didn't mean to offend you and your boyfriend."

scoffed stan, rolling his eyes and picking up a stick to throw in the air. i clenched my fists, rage bubbling up inside me as he again insulted eddie.

eddie looked down, appearing as if he was on the verge of tears. before i could retort, bev decided to step in.

"could you guys not do this right now? go to marriage counselling or some shit."

i huffed loudly, muttering a "whatever" as i adjusted my glasses, glaring at the back of stan's head. i stepped back a little so i was next to eddie and tried to see his face, but he hid it from me by looking down at his feet.

"hey, are you okay? i'm sorry that he's such a dick."

my tone was soft, sounding nothing how it did seconds before. but i couldn't seem to care, i just wanted to make sure eddie was okay. he sniffled, smiling a little. i could tell it was forced.

"i'm okay, you shouldn't have got so mad."

i bit my lip and sighed through my nose.

"i know i know, it just pissed me off that he was saying stuff to you. you're not annoying, not even a little bit."

he sniffed again, his little face looking so sad and rejected.

"i know i am, you don't have to lie. but i can't help it. i really do try not to be, i swear i do, but i can't."

i stopped and grabbed the sides of his arms, making him face me as we stood balanced on a few rocks.

"hey, look at me."

he blinked harshly and looked at me, his eyes watery and tinted red.

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