chapter eighteen

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i felt bad about being so rude to eddie, but i couldn't help but also feel as though i had the right to be. he was the one who'd been such a dick in the first place when all i'd done is try to help, surely he was in the wrong?

i sighed as i thought about it more, realising that maybe it really had been my own fault. i'd pressured him into taking off his jumper despite him making it clear he didn't want to, just because i was so desperate to find out what was underneath.

i suddenly felt awful, remembering how harsh i'd been earlier that day and the way my words had somehow wrapped themselves around his thoughts and crumpled him from the inside out. i facepalmed, smacking my hand against my forehead several times.


i grumbled, feeling embarrassed about how i acted. i must have looked like a crazy person to any by-passers. i shook my head at myself, tugging at the ends of my fringe in frustration. i had to see eddie, i had to apologise to him.

suddenly, someone knocked on my bedroom door, the sounds being short and hesitant. i stood up and opened it curiously, my mouth hanging open unattractively as shock no doubt became evident in my expression.

"ed's! what are you doing here?"

i asked immediately, i'd assumed that he would have done everything in his path to avoid me after how much of a dick i was at school. he looked down at his shoes, and only now did i notice that there was a candy bar and a small parcel in his hands.

"y-your mom let me in, i-"

i cut him off abruptly, lunging at him and enveloping him in a tight embrace. he gasped in shock, his arms being trapped by his sides and leaving him unable to hug back.

"i'm so sorry ed's! i was such a douche earlier! i didn't mean it, i was just upset, but i get why you were mad. i mean, i'd be mad too, but that's not the point- do you forgive me?"

i stopped for breath, pulling away nervously and studying his face for any sign of rejection. his eyes were wide and his lips were parted in an "o" shape.


i pleaded, his lack of response making me even more doubtful.


he spoke softly, his eyebrows creasing in confusion.

"i came here to say sorry to you."

now i was the confused one, my head tilting as my eyebrows furrowed.

"what? why are you sorry?"

he licked his lips, staring at my chest as if it was the only thing keeping him grounded.

"i, i was mean to you, you were just trying to help."

i shook my head straight away at his words, causing him to look even more confused.

"no, you had every right to be pissed off. i should have left it when you asked me to, it's not up to me whether or not you wear a jumper or not. i'm sorry."

eddie smiled and finally looked at me, blushing slightly as he returned his gaze back to his shoes. he cleared his throat and nervously held out a shaky hand, in which he was holding the miscellaneous items.

"i m-made you a mixtape, for your walkman. and the candy is to say sorry for ruining your birthday."

he trailed off towards the end of his sentence, eyes flickering upwards in hope. my heart melted as if it were butter on a heated stove as i tried to hold back a love struck smile.

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