chapter thirty four

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i flicked my eyes from side to side underneath my closed eyelids, my hearing muffled as i struggled to come back to consciousness.


i felt someone prod at my forehead, and i groaned as i licked my dry lips and opened my left eye, blinded by daylight.

"ed's, wake up."

before me was the blurred outline of a familiar figure, and it took me two seconds too long to realise who it was and remember the events of the previous night. everything came rushing back all at once, and it left my mind uncertain and hazy.


i managed out as a yawn broke through my speech. he was sat upright against the frame of my bed, rubbing at his eyes tiredly with a pained look on his face.

"morning, sleeping beauty."

i groaned again, stretching out my short legs as i lifted myself from the comfort of my bed to join richie's side. he was massaging his temples with furrowed eyebrows, squinting.

"looks like someone's got a hangover."

i commented smugly, snorting a little. he huffed frustratedly, nudging my side.

"shut the fuck up, i'm in pain."

i rolled my eyes at his words, not fazed by the harshness of them. richie had never really been a morning person.

"and who's fault is that?"

he whined pathetically, letting his head flop onto my shoulder. i wrapped my arm around his side and lifted it up to play with his hair, which was intolerably messy. a small smile played on my swollen lips as i thought about how simple things truly were. nothing had changed between us at all, we were the same old eddie and richie. it was almost as if we'd never been apart in the first place.

"i hate myself."

richie muttered bitterly, snuggling into my side. i chuckled lowly, sleepiness evident.

"that's understandable."

i replied, raising my eyebrows. he whined quietly, and everything was silent for a few minutes. the lack of words was needed and comfortable, allowing us both to collect ourselves. i inhaled deeply, one thing taunting my thoughts repeatedly.


he tilted his head upwards slightly in response. i closed my eyes as i asked the question that made the cogs in my chest turn anti clockwise, fear gripping me as my hands gripped my bedsheets.

"what do you remember from last night?"

richie froze for a moment, various snippets of abandoned secrets and unwilling confessions passing through his head all at once.

my heart stayed still as the air around us.

"i-uh, some of it. i guess"

he mumbled uncomfortably, shuffling upwards against the bed frame.

"do you remember what happened here?"

i asked cautiously, struggling to hide the desperation evident in my voice.

god did i hope he remembered.

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