chapter thirty nine

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i screamed.

it was the kind of scream you hear in horror movies, when the victim realises their terribly unfortunate fate and that they can do absolutely nothing to stop it from happening.

i cried and screamed so hard i could feel my bones struggle to keep themselves intact, my knuckles shattering as they met the ground. i'd never known anything to hurt so much. not the burns, the cuts, or even the feeling of my chest tightening impossibly as i let myself drown. nothing.

but then suddenly, my hands stopped, and they were being thrown in a different direction.

"you fucking piece of shit! you sick fuck!"

i screamed.

"you fucking waste of space! fuck you!"

my fist met henry bowers' nose. once, twice, again and again. i smashed my bloodied hands into his face with everything i had left as his 'friends' simply watched.

and for some reason, i felt as though they wanted more.

what surprised me most, however, was that henry did nothing to stop me. his stupid fucking face was pale and scared, and for once, he almost looked as if he was sorry.

he stuttered on his words, wide eyed.

"i-didn't, i dont-"


i screeched in his face, spitting blood with every sour tasting syllable.

"spit it the fuck out, you stupid asshole! no wonder your dad hates you! how could anyone love you? you're pathetic! look at you! you can't find your own happiness so you try to take away everyone else's! you're disgusting!"

the words sliced into my tongue like the thorns of wilted roses, but i didn't care. nothing could ever hurt more than the absence of richie.

"you know what?"

i laughed humourlessly, taking a step back. henry's face remained frozen in shock as i snarled at him, looking down at his beaten form as if he were part of the dirt under my feet.

"you might think i'm a freak, a faggot that cuts himself, and that i deserve everything i get."

i shouted over the howling winds, i hadn't even registered it was raining until i felt the squelch of filth beneath my shoes and the stinging of raindrops on my skin.

"but at least somebody loved me!"


"at least, i have, something to live for!"

henry lifted a battered arm up to shelter his own face from the harsh winds. i panted heavily.

"but you?"

i met his eyes, and smiled so wide i thought my face would split in two.

"you'd be better off fucking dead."

i laughed, as i took a final step backwards,

and began to fall.

you see, the fall itself wasn't as daunting and soul exploiting as i presumed it would be. with my eyes squeezed shut, it almost felt as though i was simply floating.

it's the second you hit the water, that you know it's over.

but not for me.

not eddie kaspbrak.

not today.

i was enveloped by a blanket of broken glass, ripping at my bleeding arms and tearing at my blood soaked shirt. my lips parted in a silent scream, only for my mouth to be filled with bitter tasting river water.

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