chapter two

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"i'd better get going, my mom will probably be worried sick and i need to take my pills."

i said solemnly, standing up from where i'd been sat talking next to richie for the past hour or so.

his expression dropped and he pouted slightly in the way an upset toddler would. it made my heart ache a little.

"that sucks, can't you stay any longer?"

i sighed, wanting nothing more than to stay with him all night. but my mom really was going to be on the verge of an aneurysm if i didn't get back soon.

"i'm sorry, i really need to be back. how about we all go to the treehouse after school tomorrow and hang out there?"

he perked up at that and nodded excitedly, immediately making me feel less guilty.

"yeah sure okay, i'll tell the guys. hey, let me walk you home at least?"

i smiled, not wanting to say no but not wanting to seem too eager to spend more time with him.

"i practically live on your street, i could hop my way back and still be there in time for supper."

he ignored my comment and jumped up anyway, patting me on my good shoulder before making his way down the stairs. i smiled, slowly stepping down them too, careful not to knock any bruises or push myself too much as i was still sore from my encounter with bowers.

richie put his shoes on quickly and shot me a concerned glance as i steadily made my way down, slipping my own shoes on.

"hey man you sure you're okay to walk? i don't need to carry you like a girl again do i?"

i rolled my eyes and shook my head, about to bend down to tie my lace only to feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. i cried out and shot straight back up, nearly falling back onto the stairs.

concern and fear flashed across richie's face as he put his hands on my waist, looking at my face to make sure i was okay.

"shit are you okay? don't push yourself, okay? here, let me do them."

his tone was gentle and soft, almost a foreign language compared to his usually loud and disruptive manner of speech. i liked it though. it made me feel warm and safe and cared for. he bent down on one knee and started tying my laces for me, triple knotting them in the same way i usually would. just incase.

once he'd tied them, he stood back up to my level, not realising how close our faces were until he'd risen completely. i gulped as i felt his breath on my face, his quickly turning a light shade of rose as he jerked back almost, opening the door to let us out. i felt embarrassed that i'd not moved away sooner, hoping he didn't think i was weird for just staring instead of doing anything.

i was glad when he avoided it altogether and instead started up a new conversation entirely.

"you know, i think gretta likes you. as in like likes you."

i tilted my head as we walked down towards my street.

"what makes you say that?"

i questioned, watching as he kicked a pebble and stared down at his scuffed shoe.

"i don't know, she just seems to stare at you a lot and i heard her talking about you the other day."

i pondered this for a moment. gretta was pretty, but she wasn't a nice person. she was mean to my friends and to other people which put me off more than looks ever would. i simply hummed in response to richie as a comfortable silence settled between us for a few moments.

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