chapter sixteen

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i was sat alone in the treehouse, my wounds from mine and eddie's last encounter with bowers almost fully healed. i was idly flipping through a superman comic that i'd already read hundreds of times. i could recite each page off by heart.

i enjoyed sitting in the small wooden space by myself at times; it was soothing. sometimes if my parents had fought or i just felt the overwhelming urge to breathe new air, it provided a safe place for me. a second home.

however, my tranquil environment was soon invaded as i heard the sound of struggled breathing and creaky ladder steps growing louder. a head of mahogany brown hair popped up infront of the door, blue eyes brightening as their owner saw me.

"s-sup, r-richie?"

i creased my eyebrows in confusion as to why bill had decided to make a sudden appearance, and why he was alone.

"uh, nothing? what you doing here?"

i queried, knowing that he wouldn't have turned up without a motive. he chuckled and looked down at the worn down wooden plank he was sat on, picking at a thin splinter that had caught his attention.

"i was looking f-for y-you actually, i w-wanted to a-a-ask you something."

i nodded, intrigued as to what he could possibly want to know that couldn't wait for school the next day. he made eye contact with me as he spoke.

"d-do you, do you l-like eddie?"

i immediately felt my palms grow clammy as my mind went blank, knowing that he didn't mean platonically. how did i answer that?

"well i mean, yeah. he's my best friend, of course i like him."

i laughed in a faux clueless manner, hoping he would take that for an answer. but bill didn't seem amused, and instead huffed and began to reword his question.

"no, i mean as in do y-you have a cr-rush on him?"

anxiety ate at my insides as i processed his words. i had no idea how to respond. i didn't want to lie to bill, he was one of my closest friends, but i also didn't want him to think i was gay. he might think i'm odd, or even worse, he might leave me.

"what? no, i'm not gay."

i spat defensively, my words feeling like poison on my tongue. it felt wrong, the venom in my tone didn't suit me one bit and i knew it. bill frowned, seemingly offended.

"th-there's nothing wrong w-with being gay, richie."

i looked down at my shoes ashamedly, regretting my choice of words. i hadn't meant to sound homophobic in my response, i was just so scared.

"i know there isn't, i didn't mean it like that...i just, i don't-"

i felt tears prick at my eyes and i fought them off fervently, refusing to cry infront of bill about something so small and childish. i think he noticed, because his hard expression dropped and was replaced by the loving one i was accustomed to, making me feel better instantly.

"l-look, i know n-nearly everyone in this t-t-town hates gays, but i s-support you no m-matter what, and so w-will the o-others. i don't c-care if you like boys or girls, y-you're still just the s-same old trashmouth."

i smiled at the floor, feeling awkward yet comforted at the same time. this wasn't a conversation i wanted to have with anyone, nevermind one of my male friends, but it felt so nice to be accepted and to feel so loved. it was silent for a moment before i spoke up timidly.

"thanks bill, i, it means a lot..."

he smiled warmly, patting my shoulder.

"i-it's okay rich, but, just to be c-clear, you do like e-eddie right?"

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