Prologue: Have fun

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*Planet: Septar*

Year: Countless years after the calamity*

It was currently quiet on this futuristic world , abit too unusually quiet.


Aaaand I spoke too soon.

The source of the sound was from a seemingly young brown skinned adult with spiky black hair while dressed up in a black suit that has some gold and black armor on his left shoulder with also wearing black shoes, inside a dark lit throne room.

"Yell again and I'll give you a beating." The other person who said that was a rather tall light tanned redhaired queen sitting on her throne. She had on her usual revealing black and red royal outfit.

And yet, she's known as God...or technically, one of the two.

"Aunt Crimson, why? As much as I like that universe, it's practically a hell hole. Why bother sending me there? You know I have work to do today. That, and I'd rather not experience being on the crazy side of things." Azrael said, irritated at the fact that he's literally about to be sent to a fictional universe.

"Azrael, I didn't call you here to waste each other's time."

"Then what is it then? And why that world of all...wait, is this what I think you're talking about?" Azrael asked, getting a nod out of Crimson.

"This is about the on going investigation, I'm tasking you with drawing her out." The prince looked at his aunt and was about to say something but got cut off.

"And if you're wondering what the catch is, you have to act aloof and unknowing of her for each world I send you to." Crimson said, making Azrael internally sigh.

"You'll be there for a few weeks minimum. After that, you can leave that reality whenever you're ready."

He sighed momentarily. "If things go wrong—"

"They won't, I'll step in if need be. Take this time to get ready and read off the reports again if you need to." Crimson then stood up from her throne and began descending stairs.

"I won't need to, I'm already all set." Azrael said, resting his hands in his royal coat pockets. For a moment, his aunt stopped and glanced at him once she was about to pass by him.

"Alright, but just remember, indirectly bring her to you. Second, no executions."

He felt her hand grab his shoulder and was stared into his eyes by her golden eyes. It's nothing new to him that Crimson is capable of doing anything before he can even react. Rather, that even with the most nicest or subtlest of actions, he wouldn't dare challenge or go against her.

"Lastly, be safe and please take care of yourself on your journey, my nephew." Despite all that with being horrifying in terms of power, her heart was just as big when it came to family and those she cares about.

"I will, don't worry. Love ya, aunt." Before being sent off, Crimson raised Azrael's bangs of hair and kissed his forehead. He then started to glow red and suddenly disappeared with a burst of light and crystals.

"You know, as much as I would've preferred for you not to hide me, I pictured you being more of a stoic leader." A voice rung out, causing Crimson to slightly laugh while turning towards the voice.

"Well, apologies for hiding you. I usually get that stoic remark quite a bit, funny enough. Some people even think I might bite them for looking at me weird." Crimson responded, getting a chuckle out of the figure.

"Me and you both, I'm way too familiar with that feeling." The person responded, folding their arms. "On a serious note, it has been awhile since you requested my help. Let's continue this conversation while we head towards the central intelligence, shall we?"

The shade gave a slight smirk. "Straight to business, I like you already."

*With Azrael.*

Suddenly, everything turned white and he found himself skydiving through a blue sky with clouds coming towards him. "Alright, is this the world that she had in mind?" Azrael asked as he stopped falling and floated into the clouds to look at the world below.

"Wait... is that a palace? I feel like this city should've been bigger than I thought." The prince then jumped out of the clouds towards the ground below at high speeds, causing silver energy to build up around himself.

"Superhero landing!" He then landed on the ground, which resulted in a rather large crater that shook a portion of the city as if it was a earthquake. After it was over, Azrael got out from the crater still covered in smoke and looked around to see horrified people backing away.

"This looks accurate so far..." The crowd was confused and still scared. Something in his head clicked as he looked at everything and the details.

"Wanted posters, someone being crucified, guards pointing weapons at me while dressed in white and gre... this is definitely the capital." he said to himself, disappearing and reappearing on top of the palace.

"Alright, guess I'll try not to pull a-...wait is that a fucking dragon?" It was indeed a dragon that was casually making its way to the city with someone on it.

"If I had to take a guess, that might be crazy ice bitch." With that, he disappeared from the palace and reappeared in a field, a little distance away from the city.

"Since I have no idea what episode or chapter I'm in or all that's happened as of yet, I'm just gonna say fuck everyone and everything today." With a snap of his fingers, a white futuristic mansion popped into existence. He then flashed inside, only to hear his least favorite female A.I. voice.

"Hello Azrael, how is your visit to this world so far?" The voice said as Azrael slightly scowled and zoomed towards the master bedroom. "Honestly Iris, I just got here. Mind telling me what's new?" He asked, laying on his bed.

"Going by the timeline, there's a tournament coming up tomorrow, hosted by the general." Iris said, unenthusiastic about it. "Oh, so Sheele is already dead. That's definitely nothing new. I'll bring her back tomorrow so that'll be the first off my list."

"What about Esdeath?" Iris asked which made him yawn slightly.

"What about her? She isn't my problem until tomorrow." Azrael then clapped twice and that caused the lights to go out. "It's still day time..." Iris pointed out.

"Piss the fuck off."

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