Chapter 1: Akame Ga Kill

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*Morning, Day of the tournament*

Azrael slowly woken up due to Iris playing his least favorite song. "Do you hate me or something?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Nope, just merely entertaining myself." The voice said, pausing the music. He clapped twice and the lights went back on. "Tournament is today, I might as well bring back Sheele." He got up and quickly pointed his palm towards the floor.

"Wake up clumsy chick that's oddly nicer than a worker at Chick-fil-A." As soon as those words left his mouth, There was a bright flash in the room. It started to dim down to reveal Sheele in perfect condition and in the same clothes she wore before her death.

"Where am I!? Who're you? Am I alive?" She asked Azrael who was yawning and stretching. "Yeah, alive and well. Plus, you're in my mansion. I'll take you back to night raid in a few." However, that made her tense up and almost put her in a defensive stance only to be waved off by the prince.

"Relax, I'm not an enemy. If I were, everyone on this planet would be dead, including Esdeath." He said which made Sheele give him a strange look that shows she's very skeptical. "Fine, I'll show you something." He said unenthusiastically and flared his energy slightly.

Earthquakes yet again began to happen in the imperial city, even a certain bluehead was caught off guard. "Okay, okay! I believe you!" He brought his energy down to zero, ceasing the rumbling. "But if you don't mind me asking again, who...who are you?" Sheele asked out of curiosity and some fear still present in her voice.

"Azrael. Azrael Lucis Priem, second prince of Septar and third in line to the throne, and I'm not from here. But I already know who you are, obviously." He said, walking past her out of the room. Sheele decided to follow him because why not. "I've never seen anything so advanced, are you a scientist?" Azrael shook his head at that and formed a donut in his hand.

"I'm not, but my dad is one though." He said, eating the donut and putting on his white nikes. "Why do your shoes have check marks on them?" Azrael put a hand on his chin to think about that. "Honestly, even I don't know."

Shit, I don't know either.

Sheele shrugged and kept looking at the scenery of the mansion and glancing back at him every now and then out of caution. "Alright, I'm about to take you back to night raid now— wait, hold on one second." He then pointed his palm to the floor again.

"Wake up one hundred man slayer." There was another bright flash in the hallway that caused Sheele to cover her eyes. Once it dimmed down, a large man appeared and slowly looked around then back at Azrael and Sheele with wide eyes.

"What the hell..." Bulat said, looking at himself seeing that he's perfectly fine. "I know you have some questions and want answers as well, I understand. But I gotta get you two back to your friends." He then grabbed both of them and teleported to Night Raid's other hideout where Tatsumi and Lubbock were.

"Yo!" Azrael greeted which caused both of the boys to turn their heads quickly at him only to be in shock from seeing their friends that died, standing right in front of them. "The name's Azrael but you can call me JD also, and Tatsumi, don't go for the tournament. Trust me, it's a trap."

*20 minutes of explaining later*

The rest of night raid showed up, except for Najenda but still received the news from Azrael, personally from teleporting to her. However, back with the group.

"So yeah, I'm not from this dimension or universe. And like I said before, don't do it Tatsumi. It'll be hell for you, believe me... since you missed your fucking shots of having bragging rights with Esdeath." He said, muttering that last bit under his breath.

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