Chapter 2: Apply ice to that burn

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Azrael backed up and unfroze time to see what the blue headed general would do. But, just to cut her a little bit of slack, he allowed her an attempt to put the chained collar on him after gesturing for her to do it.

"And now you belong to me—...what the hell?" She said out of shock due to seeing him holding the broken chained collar in his hand. "Hold the fuck up for just one moment, ever heard of slavery?" At this point, her right eye started to twitch slightly.

"It's cause I'm black and Septarian, right?" He said, trying his hardest not to laugh at the lost look on her face. But he can tell by just looking at her eyes, she wants to torture him in every way possible. "No, but you're coming with me."

She appeared behind him and tried to neck chop him to knock him out. "Uhh...what're you doing?" This made Esdeath slowly look up at him, dawning a poker face. "Look, just ask me to go to the castle with you, not pull a bill cosby."

*20 minutes later*

Currently, we find our prince sitting in a chair with a bored expression listening to Esdeath introduce him to the jaegers. He already knew who they were to begin with. '20 minutes in and I'm being introduced to anime characters that I know enough about. Though, the walk here was a little annoying with her.'

However he was knocked out of his thoughts due to being shaken slightly by the general. "Huh? Oh sorry, what were you guys talking about?" Esdeath put on a fake smile while everyone else sighed at that.

"Wave, you could get along with him." Kurome said, munching on her cookies she usually eats. Wave looked at him and smiled. "Eh, you aren't wrong. Besides, wouldn't hurt having a black friend." As he said that last part, Esdeath slowly backed up a little from Azrael, signifying that everyone back away from Wave.

"Uhh guys? Something wrong—ACK!" He was then launched from the room into the hallway resulting in a large hole in the wall. "W-why..." Asked Wave as he climbed back into the room. "Last part was unnecessary and for any of you who tries me." He said, drinking his soda.

"I think we understand, Azrael. Though in all honesty, I'm very certain that Lady Esdeath can take you on since she's right up there with Budo." He looked over to see that it was Run that said that.

"You guys really don't know a lot about me, you only know what I did today." He said the last part while staring at the General who still remembered their little conversation.

They all turned their heads as they heard a knock on the door to the room. A soldier came in carrying a clipboard and some maps, after wondering who caused the hole in the wall.

"Lady Esdeath! As ordered, I finished the report regarding the area around Gyogan Lake..." The soldier said while staying in a salute position. Azrael stood back while the other members of the "Jaegers" were all studying the map with Esdeath.

"You may exterminate them to your heart's conte-" She stopped talking due to seeing everyone not even move a muscle. She then heard a loud sound that sounds like chirping from behind her.

She turned around to see Azrael with a stone cold face enveloped in white flame like power and electricity that was beginning to feel like it was weighing her down.

"What did I tell you earlier? I'm beginning to think you don't value your life at all." He said, quickly grabbing and holding up Esdeath in the air by her throat.

"But I can understand that, your dad drilled that Social Darwinism into that thick skull of yours. So let's fix this problem right now."

As he was talking and summoned a small mass of energy blades to fire at the general's head, to have a violent death. Esdeath was tapping him as if she needed to breathe or say something. He slowly breathed out and dropped her on the floor. He stood there still covered in his aura as she was in a coughing fit trying to catch her breath. "Talk."

Esdeath managed to breathe a little normally after rubbing her neck a little. "The area, it's not a rebel camp. It's a BANDIT camp!" Azrael's face went from stone cold to surprised when she yelled it out.

"" He went to take a step towards her but she scooted back with her sword pointed at him. "Look, it's okay. I... I'm so sorry, I just wanted to apologize by healing you at least." Esdeath then felt her neck being healed which made her slowly lower her sword from the teen.

"I just thought that you were about to kill more innocents. I got a little taken away there." He said, sitting down on the floor in front of her with a guilty expression. "You say that now but said around nearly half an hour ago, that'd you would kill everyone here. Do you put yourself that high on your moral pedestal, you hypocrite?" She asked, expecting a snarky answer from him.

"No, I don't. But I do have something you don't." He said, making the bluehead arch an eyebrow. "Oh really? And might that be?" She asked, mentally preparing for the fact that she's about to get a cliche lecture from someone seemingly younger than her.

"A family that keeps me from doing things like you do. You... you're just fucking batshit crazy; there's nothing human about you. 'Oh let me throw a tournament for a strong man to win my heart!' You oblivious dumb blue haired bitch, really? Even the fucking fat prime minister knows that's not how it works! Hell even that emperor has more common sense there, and he's a fucking kid! What do you think that says about you?"

He laughed a little and then looked at her surprised expression.

"All you ever do is hurt people and that's all you know how to do. I personally feel bad for a certain someone if I didn't take their spot for them.

Plus, I at least thought about that maybe I might've been a dick earlier in the arena and decided to eventually apologize for it. But unfortunately, you can't even stop and look at yourself in the mirror, then wonder if you're taking it a bit too far because how fucked in the head you are.

But if you wanna keep this up, you'll die alone or I'll just burn this place down and make you watch. And by the way, your ideals are now officially redundant since I'm in charge now."

There was absolute silence for a good two minutes with Azrael breathing in and out to calm himself down. It also turned out that he had unintentionally leaked out a little bit of his powers that could've destroyed noticeable items in the room but thankfully didn't. Esdeath on the otherhand, for once in her life that seemed somehow possible, she felt true fear at the power that easily makes herself and Budo look like ants in comparison.

This proved to be true when Azrael now walked towards her with a calm neutral expression. The way she was still on the ground and holding her blade while visibly shaking. 'I feel terrible for doing this... but she really needs a hard reality check.' He thought, having a grim expression on his face. "Now, this conversation is over. Get up." He said, forcefully grabbing her arm, pulling Esdeath up to her feet. He then let time resumed and everything went to normal.

The teen then watched them chat for a moment and saw them walk out except for the general. He then walked past her and stopped right at the doorway.

"You know, if you weren't so fucked up, we could've at least had a decent friendship to start off with. Like I said before, think about your worthless life and those you unjustly hurt, at least for once.

Hell, maybe think about your old tribe and daddy dearest with how they went out... and one more thing. The bitch with the dog is currently more redeemable than you are, and that is saying a lot about your value."

Unknown to him after saying that and walking away, she sat in the chair that he was in with a shocked expression, still etched into her face.

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