Chapter 21: Really needing a redbull right about now

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*Beacon Academy*

After Azrael had jumped off the stage to let the next match start, he gained the usual petrified reactions of the students he walked past. 'I don't understand the point of this tournament, I might as well be excluded from it.' He thought, merely sighing through his nose briefly.

Perhaps this was also an opportunity for the other students to gauge each other's strengths and weaknesses. 'Dude, don't even try to make sense of it.' Azrael thought, walking to his seat and was aware of the students looking at him. 'Well, this'll be a long day for sure. Anyways—' scroll now vibrating in his pocket, he pulled it out and his eyes slightly widened.

It turned out to be a text from Adam, meaning that the situation might be urgent. '"Cinder and her lackeys set me up. Although, she seems off; I might be able to hold her off for a little while but not with the other two. Get over here. Now."' Now pocketing his scroll, he recalled the professor saying that Ozpin was in the room observing. Looking around, he found the headmaster and locked eye contact with him.

Giving the headmaster a look that was recognized, he nodded and that prompted Azrael to make a mad dash for the exit.

*Azrael's dorm room*

Back with the fall maiden, staring up at the ceiling as she was laying down. She recalled the events of her childhood as she had received her powers from the previous maiden. Unfortunate? Yes, but it served to be useful but dreadful. Pushing that aside, Amber thought over her past interactions with the prince from the last few days and this morning.

While it was only a few days, she couldn't help but blush a little at the thoughts. It's not often that she gets to experience these emotions. Thinking of earlier, she nearly cringed at the memory of getting nearly close to lashing out at Azrael. In general, he's a pretty nice and understanding person to her, no denying that. But, there are moments where she can't help but get irritated or vexed at his ridiculousness.

Then again with him doing said ridiculousness, he does it to help others in the end. Perhaps that's why Amber began to fall for the prince; she just hopes that she can handle Lucy enough to survive. However, thoughts of the secret gift came back to mind. What could it possibly be? Jewelry? Something for safekeeping? Possibly some clothing? With a sigh, she pushed herself up and got off the bed to look around the room for said gift.

But right as she stood up, the door swung open with Azrael running into the room. The sudden action nearly made Amber shoot a torrent of fire on instinct until she realized that it was the prince. "Adam's in trouble! Cinder is there." Just by saying that, the maiden's eyes slowly began to glow.

"Hey, hey. Stop, I get that you want payback but getting angry and destroying this place won't do anything." Walking towards her, he gently grabbed both her shoulders with his hands now glowing. Now inserting his energy in Amber to calm her down, she slowly breathed out.

'Shit storm prevented, great. I should've done this earlier when she was mad.' Focusing back on her face, he was about to sigh but then remembered the situation that Adam is in. 'Now for another shit sto—....wait.' Now getting an idea, he suddenly let go of the maiden and opened a portal. "Look, I know this is sudden and random. But you remember when I brought up a blue head, last night?"

This caused Amber to slowly nod in response, possibly not ready for whatever shenanigans the prince had in store.

*Somewhere in a warehouse, Vale*

We now currently find our redheaded faunus with some burn marks on his clothing and mask, hiding and sneaking around large wooden crates that was conveniently around. 'If I can use moon slice with them preferably in one spot or take out that girl with the tricky semblance, I can take the grey haired bastard and Cinder out.'

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