Chapter 24: The Alcoholic Waifu

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*Dorm room, after 20 minutes of walking *

"Finally... we made it back!" Azrael tiredly exclamied, practically throwing open the door to his room. Though, he took note that Adam was passed out on the same bed from earlier, so no need to worry about buying or ordering any food for now at least.

"Say, Esdeath? Can you—" The General had beaten him to the punch, dropping the maiden onto the floor with a thud. "...Right. I'll go take care of a few things before calling it a night." When he turned around to reach for the handle, there was ice covering the door. "We're going to bed, you can do it in the morning."

Turning around, he saw that Esdeath had taken her cap off and set her sword off to the side. "The more rest that is acquired, the better we'll function for tomorrow; get some sleep." She ordered, now unlacing her heeled boots while sitting down on the bed. "Alright, but could you unfreeze the door? I don't want people thinking I had either of the Schnee sisters in he—"

"Azrael. Bed, now."

After taking note of the tired look on her face and the tone of her voice, it was pretty much indicated that she didn't want to go back in forth with him. So, to make it easier for each other, he began to take off his clothing. "Right, snoozing it is." He muttered, before hitting the light switch.

*hours later, morning*

Slowly waking up, the prince pushed himself forward and shook his head awake. Now yawning, he began to notice that something was off. Looking around, he saw that both Amber and Esdeath were gone. Adam was slowly beginning to wake up as well, almost making eye contact with Azrael. "Where's the maiden and that... blue haired she devil?" Adam asked, only seeing the teen shrug tiredly in response.

"I dunno, I thought you would know. Heck, they could be doing whatever at the moment. Anyways, I should probably get ready for class." Azrael had gotten up, in just his boxers, to put on his black and gold royal outfit that he always wears. "Also, I wanna apologize about... yesterday." There was an awkward silence between the two, after that was thrown out there.

"Especially with Esdeath, since she's uhhh... a work in progress." He said, putting on his socks then pants. "Trust me on this, she's a loving person once you get to know her." This caused Adam to give him a skeptical look in response. "Really, to just you?" He asked, getting a sigh from Azrael while buttoning up his black shirt. "Well... technically, yeah. But she's nice and caring to friends. Prime example being Amber."

"That still doesn't make me not consider her morally questionable." Adam bluntly stated, getting a blank stare from the teen. "Last night, Ironwood and Winter Schnee was in Ozpin's office. Esdeath gave her a broken arm and I nearly killed the tin can. Also, no one here but the headmaster and his assistant, plus the two Atlesian idiots know of you being here." Now this made Adam's eyes go wide for a moment. "I take back anything negative I said or thought of her."

Hearing this, only made Azrael lightly chuckle in response. "Yeah, you better. Also, don't wear the mask." He jokingly warned, now buttoning up his vest and putting on his silver watch that was a birthday present from his father. Now sliding the black fingerless gloves onto his hand with the embedded spikes on the knuckles, and finally slid on his black shoes.

He then looked to grab his coat... which was oddly missing.

"Hey, Adam? Have you seen my coat?" Azrael began rummaging through the dressers in the room, throwing and tossing out clothes he didn't know he had, apparently... wait, where did he—


"I wouldn't know, plus I just woke up after you did." Adam admitted, unsure of whether to help the frantic prince look around the room. "Shit! I'm gonna have to skip class at this rate—"

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