Chapter 13: RWBY

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Azrael merely watched the spectacle before him happen as a blonde haired lady with a white crop stepped into the fray. But apparently, things still went south as there was an explosion that blew the two both back. 'Alright, time to step in.'

Before the ship could fly away, the prince formed a small glowing crystallized dagger and flicked it towards the aircraft. He smiled as the dagger phased through and landed on its intended target. "Alright you two, lets find a place stay at and get out of here."

Before Azrael could lead Hikone and Aura into the opposite direction, he heard footsteps coming towards their direction. Now turning around, it was the blonde and took note of the scythe wielding teen hanging around in the back just watching.

'Well, at least Cinder is marked. That's good at least, now to be interrogated... fun.'

*Police station, Interrogation room*

There was surprisingly a conversation between between the now introduced Ruby and Hikone while Azrael and Aura sat quietly. Although, the prince was about to start snoozing until the blonde woman with glasses entered the room and began yelling at Ruby. It wasn't until a man with grey hair and a mug entered the room.

'Ozpin, headmaster at Beacon Academy... I imagined him being taller. Oh well, I'll let them chat first.' He then took note of his partner looking at himself and his companions with an analytical look.

'The fuck is she staring at me for? I will not hesitate to body slam her and shove that wand up her ass—'

"Well alright." The man said with a smile. "Now Ms. Rose if you could just take a step outside, Ms. Goodwitch and I need to speak with this gentlemen here and his two friends." Ozpin gestured towards the prince. Ruby stood up with a nod and made her way to the door. "Now Mr..?"

"My name is Azrael, the lady is Aura Michibane, the kid's name is Hikone Michibane." He said, getting an understanding nod from the headmaster. "However, I don't think here is a good place to talk about very sensitive information. And no, not about us three not being in any records or anything like that."

This got a raised eyebrow from Ozpin but he decided humor the teen and go along with it while sipping from his mug. "Alright young man, but tell me this then. Why wouldn't this place be secure enough for us to talk?" He asked, getting a sigh from the teen.

"Well that's simple, I know that Salem is your ex wife."

After saying that, Azrael could've sworn he saw a look of fear flashed onto the headmaster's face.

*Beacon Academy, Ozpin's office*

"Huh, mediocre office you got here." Azrael commented as the group stepped out of the Elevator, into the room. "Tell me, how did you come by that name and what all do you know?" The man asked as he sat down behind his desk while Glynda stood besides him.

"I know a lot about you and her, immortality, the relics, and the maidens. One of them being under the school as well." He answered, causing the room to get tense until he said something. "Ozma or Ozpin, if I really wanted to, I would've ended things a lot faster than you'd expect. I'm no enemy, neither are they as well." Azrael finished, gesturing towards the two next to him.

"I'm here to fix things. For example, see that moon?" This made them slowly turn around to look at the destroyed moon, just to see it whole. "One thing taken care of. Now, back to earlier, I do not have a semblance or Aura. I have something more powerful than that, and not to mention. I have a list of enemies you have that I'm gonna have knocked off the list."

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