Chapter 33: How I met your therapist

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"Ughh...I haven't felt this drowsy, ever since I woke up from that mini coma a few years ago." Now coming about, Azrael groaned as he got up from the ground and stretched in the white void. Seeing that he still had on his Royal outfit, he sighed. "Great, still have my clothes on at least. Now, how long have I been knocked out?" Wondering out loud, he then felt as if he wasn't alone in this void.

"You've been here for the past two weeks now, sleepyhead."

Looking at the source, it turned out to be a long blue haired woman with her arms crossed. She had on a casual short sleeved shirt with black pants that hugged her frame; also wearing black shoes with spikes on them. "Two weeks...well, I was exhausted for some reason. So that explains me being here, I guess." A table and set of two chairs had materialized in front of the two, now taking the opportunity to sit down.

"So...aside from telling me I overslept, how's things back on Septar, Luce?" He asked, getting a smile from the former demon queen. "Things are pretty well. There's apparently some merchandise of you and Adam holding pigeon guns, as if you two are Rambo." She said, getting a blank stare from Azrael.

"Say what?" Was all the prince could say in response to that explanation.

"Yeah, but don't worry about that though. Most of  the money you're making is going to your bank account, the rest is going towards your family." Lucifer explained, getting a facepalm from and aggravated sigh in response. "Fuck me—wait, are we being filmed right now?" Azrael suddenly asked, almost getting a laugh from the blue head in front of him.

"No, not right now at least. However, I am here for a few reasons though." Getting a hand gesture for her to continue, her expression changed to that of a serious one. "I'm worried about you. Everyone else back home feels the same as well." She said, getting Azrael to perk his head up at that.

"Worried about me? I think it'd be pointless for me to ask why." The prince mused, recalling his earlier conversation with Iris. "Listen, your aunt, me, and a special person, decided to try something out with you in regards to the situation." Getting an arched eyebrow in response, Lucifer clarified.

"The special person that knows your aunt, wants to genuinely help you out. She even insisted on doing it, rather than me or Crimson. " Now nodding his head with an understanding expression, Azrael closed his eyes for a moment and breathed out...only to open them back up when something clicked in his mind.

"Wait a minute, she—...what the hell?" Now seeing nothing sitting in the chair across from him at the table, he looked around and ran his hand through his hair. "And now Luce disappears on me. So much for that reun...ion?" Looking back at the table, he was slightly bewildered to see a spider facing him. Although, it was definitely no small one.

'A spider, about the size of a tarantula.' He mused, looking at the spider who stared back at him, as if it was analyzing the prince. "Listen, I played enough Bloodborne to know where this is going. Don't try me...great, now I'm talking to a spider that's probably a figment of my imagination. What has my life come to?" Azrael asked, facepalming himself.

"Hey, that's why I'm here to help you out."

Slowly moving his hand, he looked back down at said spider to see it's eyes now glowing white. "A talking spider...Getting Asura's wrath flashbacks." Getting a chuckle from the spider that sounded surprisingly feminine. It began to glow brightly, causing the white void to begin cracking and fall apart.

Getting a rather tense feeling, the prince summoned his trademark cleaver sword with a hollow hole in the blade, due to the spectacle that he was now witnessing all around himself now. Moments later, he adopted a cautious stance with his blade now emitting white flames. "Sheesh, seeing as how you're a bit on edge, why don't we talk elsewhere?"

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