Chapter 22: A.A.E.A

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*Vale, a few blocks away from the warehouse before Adam fought Cinder*

*This chapter has suggestive themes towards the end, just sayin'.*

Back with our beloved prince and thief over his shoulder, Azrael had swiftly thrown Emerald down on a rooftop and landed down with slamming his foot onto her stomach. "You know, you could've avoided this whole situation with a certain lady; if you had a change of heart."

"Change of heart?! You just left your friend in there to be slaughtered by Cinder! And there's no way I could've avoided anything, I owe her my lif—" "That's not who I was talking about. But, you do owe someone else your life." Azrael corrected, looking at the warehouse as flames and smoke began to come out of the windows and hole from the roof.

Taking advantage of him looking away, Emerald attempted to use her semblance on him so she could get away from the man. "Seriously? I know how your semblance works, cut the shit out." Azrael brought his foot up and stomped down hard enough to shatter Emerald's aura and slam down on her stomach, making her cough up blood.

"Do us both a favor and stop. If you're compliant, then maybe I'll move my foot aside, or I'll just simply cut off your head; your choice." Emerald slowly reached for her weapons but considering how the prince shattered her aura with just his foot, she would rather remain on his good side for the time being. Though, she did wonder what other lady was he talking about. Was it someone that she and Mercury killed? Or...

"Hey! You two meet back here after you're done, I'm gonna go grab Adam before he kills Cinder!" Azrael shouted from the edge, getting a confused head tilt from Emerald. "Friends of mine, not the ones you seen on the news though...I mean seriously, who poses with a decapitated head? I know Lucy had a lot of pent up anger but sheesh."

He said, getting widened eyes from the thief in response. "Y-you... you know those two?" Emerald hesitantly asked, getting a blank look from the prince who was silent momentarily. "Oh no, they just deliver mail to me—of fucking course I know them, I asked to have Jacques killed." He said, getting a shocked reaction that sounded as if the thief choked on something.

"But, fear not; I'll be back. Gotta grab Adam and by the way," turning around, he looked at her with a innocent smile. "move from that spot, even a millimeter, I will kill you and dump your cold dead body in a dumpster where you belong at." With that, he jumped towards the warehouse and floated into the hole he made.

"Well, I'm definitely not gonna make it out of this. This whole thing could've gone better..." She muttered, looking up at sky in defeat. At this point, she was certain that Mercury was dead at least, Cinder on the other hand? Emerald held doubt in regards to Adam even going toe to toe with her mistress. He doesn't even have any maiden powers while Cinder does... so what could he—

"Back. Also, good job Adam for taking her down."

Snapping her head towards the prince that suddenly appeared with the exhausted white fang commander that had a few scorch marks, all Emerald could do was just stare unbelievingly with her mouth gaping. "Yeah, I know right? I always knew he could've handled his own against her but hey, he did it."

"She's the only one left, I'll make this quick." The faunus tiredly said, unsheathing wilt but felt a tightened grip on his shoulder, due to Azrael. "Why don't we just wait for the two to be done? It shouldn't take much longer, unless they're torturing Cinder... I know this is sudden and all but come on; why is she dressed like a hooker? I would've taken her more seriously."

There was a moment of silence between the three, trying to find an answer for that question. "You know what... now that I kinda think about it, you're not wrong and that's the sad part." Emerald admitted, getting a nod from the two. "Wait, why are you suddenly agreeing with me? Wouldn't you defend her or anything?" Azrael asked, tempted to scratch his head in confusion.

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