Rumors Of Mystery Girls

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You and Jack have been on the verge of a break up ever since him and Johnson became more well known amongst the social media community. You met him when you were very young. You moved to Omaha when you were in grade school and he and Johnson were your first friends. You and he started dating around the end of ninth grade, and now that he's in the spotlight with his videos and whatnot, there have been multiple rumors going around that he's doing all of these things with other girls. It's now the end of December, and Jack and Jack have been on tour and back and forth between Omaha and Los Angeles for almost a year. You haven't seen him since he came to your city back in the beginning of February. After that is when all the rumors started to become more common and hurtful. When he finally came home for the Christmas holiday, he calls you, but you don't answer.

"(Y/N), I know you've probably heard all the rumors and what not about all these other girls, but I want you to know that I love you and only want to be with you. I wouldn't jeopardize what we have for any random girl. You're my baby, and I don't want you to forget that. I'm just about to board the plane, and I wanna see you when I get home. Please be willing to talk to me. I love you, baby. Talk to you later." He says over the voicemail. You feel a small tear run down your cheek.

"I know I should believe Jack over the media, but it's so hard knowing that he could have any girl he wants, and all the girls want him too." You think to yourself. You shake your head and lay in bed. You lay there for what feels like hours until you hear a knock on the door. You get up from the bed and walk out to the door and see Jack out through the peephole. You open the door and a wide smile spreads across his face as he embraces you in a tight hug.

"Oh, how I've missed having you in my arms." He says. You look up at him and smile.

"I love you, babe." You say. He smiles back and kisses you.

"I love you too sweetheart." He says. He kisses you again. "Thank you for believing me." He says. You go up to your room and spend the rest of the night catching up.

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