Supporting Him At The Football Game

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Your boyfriend Jack was the star quarterback of your high school's football team and the big game between you and your rival school was coming up. There have been various spirit themes for the week leading up to the big game.
Friday was spirit day for the game that night and you made jersey style t-shirts for you and Jack. "GILINSKY 31" and you added "My Boyfriend" underneath the numbers on your shirt.

"We look so cute baby." You say to him at lunch.

"We do. Can't wait for the game tonight." He says. You make your way to your lunch table with some other football players.

"Sooo, are you guys all ready for the game tonight?" You ask as you sit down.

"Of course we are. We've won every year for the past four years and we aren't gonna let the Lumber-JERKS take this from us." One of the football boys says. You listen to all the boys as they talk about how they're gonna win the game and everything else. After the 5th period, there was a big pep rally in the gym, and being on the yearbook committee, you went in before everyone else and got to hang out with Jack before everything started.

"You know, I'm so glad that I have such an awesome, beautiful, smart, talented, girlfriend here to experience this with me." He says to you as he hugs you tight.

"Well, I'm glad that I have a super cute, athletic, strong, smart boyfriend to be able to experience this with too." You say. You kiss him and make your way back to the band before the rally starts. After the pep rally, you make your way to Jack's car to meet up with him before he had to go to practice.

"So, do you want me to wear your practice jersey or my super cute t-shirt?" You ask.

"Well, I do like the way NY jersey looks on you, but, I like the way this shirt looks on you better." He says.

"Good. Because I don't want to change." You say sarcastically. He laughs.

"GILINSKY LETS GO." His coach yells from the locker room.

"Guess that's my cue. I'll see you later babe." He says.

"I'll be in the stands with a big blown up picture of your face." You say.

"I'd be on the lookout for it." He laughs. He kisses you and jogs off to the locker room. You make your way to your car and back home. At the game, you meet up with your friends.

"Hey, girl." Your best friend says when she sees you.

"Hey, guys." You say. The boys are warming up on the field and you see Jack. He finds you and waves to you. You wave back and blow him a kiss. As the game starts, you pull out your big blown up a picture of Jack's face and cheer him on. During the first half, the team scores 4 touchdowns and are leading as they go into halftime. After halftime, you move closer to the field and find Jack on the sideline. He sees you and sneaks away.

"Hey, baby." He says as he gives you a sweaty kiss.

"Yummy, boy sweat." You say as you wipe your face. "You look so cute in your uniform." You smile.

"Thanks, I try. Hey, nice face." He says pointing to your sign.

"You like it? You can't have it." You say.

"Awe man. Well, can I at least get one of you?" He asks.

"I'll see what I can do." You say.

"Good. Well, I gotta go." He says as he kisses you on the cheek.

"Make me proud baby." You say. He laughs and joins the team back on the bench. During the second half, he scores 5 more touchdowns, bringing the team to a victory. After the buzzer sounds, everyone storms the field and crowds around the team with screams and cheers and hugs. You find Jack in the center.

"Jack! You did it, baby. I'm so proud of you." You say as he pulls you into his arms.

"I'm so glad you're here to celebrate with me." He says.

"Anything for you baby." You say. He pulls you close and kisses you.

"After party at my house. You coming?" He asks.

"I'll be there." You say. The football boys make their way to the locker room as the band plays the fight song and the alma mater and you make your way to Jack's house for the after party

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