Chapter 11

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- Itaru's POV - 


"Wanna walk home together then?" I asked Jin. 


We headed out of the classroom.   

"So I heard your whole relationship with Tamiko was a fake." He smirked wanting to get something out of me. 

"Where did you hear that?" I asked with a sweat-drop and a smile.

"From someone... But now..." Jin took a pause. "Now, I can finally..."

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I didn't know Jin felt that way. 

Back to Present

I took a shower and laid on top of my bed. I doubt we'll even get back together after this. She probably doesn't even like me. 

Slowly after thinking, I started to drift off into a sleep. 

- Tamiko's POV - 

I took the train to school by myself since I didn't see Itaru at the train station. Is he okay? He's usually here before me. 

At School

I walked through the entrance and saw Kyoko in front of me. I really didn't want her to see me, so I continued to walk behind her slowly.

She looked back and made a disgusted face. "Why are you following me, you creep?" 

How did she know I was behind her!!! "Well, I have the right to follow people if I want. I don't need your permission, thank you very much." She rolled her eyes and continued to walk forward. 

"Kyoko!" A girl yelled out to her and put her arm around her neck. They started to talk and walk faster to class. 

"Yo!" A familiar voice called out to me and I looked back. "Something wrong?" Jin put his arm around my neck. 

"Yeah..." I made a disgusted face. "There's school." I broke free from his arm and continued to walk to class. 

In Front of Classroom

I opened the door and saw all the girls in front of me. Then, I slowly backed away. "Um... can I help you?" 

"Is it true that you and Itaru broke up?" A girl yelled out to the whole class. Then, everyone just started to talk about it in their little groups. 

I decided to slide through the whole mess, but Kyoko stopped me by putting one finger on my shoulder. "Where you think you're going?" All the girls started to stop their conversations and look at me and Kyoko. 

"To my seat, obviously." 

"Already?" She tilted her head and smirked. "But you didn't even answer their question." 

"Oh yeah! Tell us! Tell us!" The girls were all in unison. 


"Everyone take your seats!" The teacher yelled across the room. Saved by the teacher.

I walked over to my seat and saw a note. 

Did you guys break up?

I crumbled the paper and placed it near the window. Then I looked inside my desk and saw another note. 

Why did you crumb that note?

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